
What drives you CRAZY~!? Things you HATE!

by  |  earlier

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I hate cold food

I'm scared of needles

I hate the sound of chewing and heavy breathing (or the whistling in the nose)

negative people

dumb people



What about yourself!




  1. dumb people, and when people leave one second left on the microwave  :(

  2. People who ring up and rant on radio stations.

    People who answer questions on here with "dunno" or "lol".

    The word "lol".

    People who lie to make themselves look good.

    Time wasters.

  3. ...when people say they'll call you back and never do.

    ...when people have no consideration for others and stomp all over you.

  4. Morbid drivers that have to come to almost a total stop when there is something going on next to the freeway (such a pulled over driver) slowing down traffic.

  5. Big brother drives me bloody crazy, my wife watches it all the time and i hate it.

  6. You know WHAT!?! I HATE HATE  HATE the sound of people chomping popcorn at the movies...even though I am probably guilt too! Sounds like  a bunch of COWS LOL

    I also get freaked out by in people touching each-others, coming to close to my own eyes, or when people go for the eyes in horror movies...other than that I am not squeamish AT ALL,

    LOL I TRY to just deal with it in all situations...and most people don't know about my weakness...

  7. i hattte BAD DRIVERS!!!!!

  8. People driving slow in the fast lane

    Flight attendants who are overly perky and fake


  9. pet peeves:

    People who eat in public when they're walking or on public transportation (foods like pizza, burgers - anything out of a bag)...l*****g fingers after...eeewww....

    People who yell to get their family/friends' attention in public - and I'm standing right in front of them or next to them on a line.

    Someone who DOESN'T WEAR DEODORANT WHEN IT'S 90 DEGREES!!!!! C'MON!!! That's nasty!

    When co-workers bring in smelly lunch and the whole office wreaks of whatever stinky food they cooked...

  10. I hate people who drive slow in the passing lane.

    I hate people who don't read emails and then email you back with the SAME questions!  It happens to me in my work and personal life!  

  11. -when people stick their hands&arms out the windows of their car.

    -when my boyfriend says 'the N word'

    -when people throw trash or yell out of my car windows without me knowing and i have a heart attack.

    -when my food touches other food on the plate.

    answer mine::;...


  12. The phenomenon of of being called negative, so when you refuse to

    contribute information or share something people want to know but

    don't like the thruth of what your saying, then they call you self

    centered, or you have something to hide, when in actuality, it simply

    boils down to the fact, people wanna hear only what they wanna hear,

    and see what they only wanna see, and i'm sure there'll be some one

    who'll think, well aren't you the same way, deffinately not, and that's

    what i hate, the fact that i know i'm not but won't say it or then it starts

    all over, you come off sounding like a know it all, or worse, opinonated

    so i've developed a viable solution over the years for the people who

    use the your negitive defence, as a weapon, simply let someone  do

    what they wanna do first, they suceed congradulate them, if they f**k

    up, then you say ok my turn, and you know you can't do any worse

    than them, which is why you let them go first 2 begin with . . .

  13. TV Evangelists

  14. hmm... well "hate" is a strong word. I don't normally use it. But...

    Things that drive me Crazzyyy:

    1) People who can't accept what or who they are

    2) People who don't love the world and themselves as they should

    3) People spitting on the road

    4) People that think they are fat, when they look like a toothpick

    5) Braggarts

    6) People that put beauty first

    7) People that are ashamed of their culture (example; ashamed of being Indian, Chinese, African American, etc.)

    8) Celebrities that THINK they can sing, but really can't

    9) People who misspell words, or use them improperly; incorrect grammar

    10) dumb People who think having a myspace will make them cool

    11) people who expose themselves by putting up dumb pictures on dumb websites

    12) People who are addicted to websites like myspace

    13) obnoxious people who constantly talk on their cell phones and ignore others around them

    14) people who don't give a c**p about their future

    15) Rich people who PRETEND to care about those who suffer of starvation, poverty, etc. (But sometimes... Rich people in general drive me crazy)

    Whew! ... anyway that's all for now...


  15. everything that you said from needles down]

    especially the sound of chewing! eww!

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