
What drives you crazy about other drivers on the road?

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I know there are probably a million things that stupid drivers do on the road that frustrates us all, but what gets to you the most? I'll tell you my answer when I pick my "best answer"... Thanks!!




  1. People who talk on their cellphones while driving.  It makes me crazy.  I've come close to being hit by a couple of these idiots.  If you want to talk on the phone, pull over!

  2. People talking/texting on the phone.

    Come could kill someone...

  3. The list of things that bug me about other drivers is long....hard to pick just one thing that they do that annoys me the most so here's two......

    1. I HATE it when people put on their signal, then just start coming over whether you yield or not...look folks, your signals are simply to alert other driver's to your intentions, they DO NOT give you the right to cut someone off just because you don't want to wait for someone to let you over!

    2. Ok, I will probably get a lot of thumbs down from the people who do this but I also hate the excessively loud stereos that BOOM BOOM so loud they rattle the metal on MY car! Just because you like your music, doesn't mean I do. So stop forcing me to listen to it when I'm stuck in traffic! Besides, when it is so loud it rattles metal, it sounds like c**p!!!

    Ok, I'm done......  :-)

  4. how people do 30mph UNDER the speed limit and turn on their blinker at every street 10 streets in a row only to turn it off and continue doing 2 mph.

  5. When people get right behind you so close that you cant even see them, or next to you in your "blind spot" My mom saw a bumper sticker ( in lousiania, where else) that said " if you're gonna ride my *** you may as well pull my hair too" and if i ever see one i intend to buy it too. maybe that will teach them to stop riding so close behind.

    But worst than all that is if i see them driving like crazy and not wearing a seatbelt. because i am an nurse on a neuro/trauma floor and these poeple just dont know how much they are going to s***w up thier live, plus perhap other peoples lives too.

  6. The ignorant way some drivers bully others on the road. As if a 2 second advantage would make any difference. Weaving and tailgating, improper lane changes, failing to be in the correct lane for off ramps or turns. The list is endless!

  7. i hate when people stop at a yield sign when there is a whole lane there just for you to use before merging into traffic.

    yield means use cation when proceeding not stop

  8. When the traffic light turns to green and ignorant people don't bother to start speeding up again! (Especially if you're in a hurry to get somewhere! >_<)

    I mean what the heck!? Green means "GO" not sit there for another 10 seconds!

    lol, that's always bothered me.=)

  9. when ppl are driving slow in the fast lane,  MAN I WISH SLAPPING WAS LEGAL!

  10. No one understands right of way! It's my turn to go! Still...I end up sitting there for five minutes.

  11. in the summer the coal trucks go ten miles an hour up the hills and makes everybody go to a crawl but in the winter when the roads are covered they go too fast and tail-gate going down the hills ..the drive me crazy and endanger my life every season!!

  12. How people see you put your blinker on to get over, and they speed up!!!

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