
What drives your Feminism or Anti-Feminism?

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Is it part of your core being or one of many things you are?




  1. My anti-feminism is driven by knowing the facts about feminism:

    However many feminists choose to ignore the facts for various emotional or career reasons.

  2. Modern day feminism is a bunch of BS people that really believe in equal rights don't call themselves feminist.

  3. I support equality for humans and I find that incompatible with modern feminism. I also object to the many negative effects feminism has had on our society, I see it as dividing the last grouping we had as social humans, the family and weakening our position and ability to protest and resist governmental controls.

  4. I think my disdain and general contempt for feminism comes from past experiences, and general right and wrong.


    Lets see memories of being verbally and physically abused in the 2nd grade by a female teacher(was very shy when I was younger would regularly demean and insult me and pulled my hair if I forgot an assignment).

    Witnessing my fellow male class mates being discriminated against because of there gender.

      My first time(and only) was at a party drank alittle bit and was taken advantage of by some chick I didn't like and made a point to avoid but I was so tired(got out of work didn't want to go out but friends talked me into it, when I am tired my mind slow's down and I become almost puppet like but since have force trained myself by self induced sleep deprivation so it doesn't happen again) and intoxicated(she was sober).

         No matter how hot the water was it didn't seem to matter..

    Enduring class after class of femnazi ideology where the material wasn't just wrong but a blatant distortion/lie.

    Watching countless TV shows become more and more insulting to men every season till I no longer watch TV.

    Dealing with wacko job feminist's in real life and online.

    After awhile it gets to you, but to allow it to become all you are is a fate far worse then death.

         What I am inside is a survivor.

  5. Unfair Family laws.

    Ok here's a joke for y'all.  Answers is not posting it yet...

  6. First I started out as feminist, then after listening to men and other anti-fems here, I came to realize that men needed more consideration.

    But with the rising hatred against not only Feminists but also women as well and the anti-fems desire to have women back in subservient roles while painting a highly negative picture of women has just repulsed me to the core.

    I still haven't changed my mind and am for both men and women, but refuse to listen to lies and twisted statistics anymore.  Perhaps it will make me unpopular, but I am who I am and won't back down just to please anyone.

    People are asked on a regular basis here to apply critical thinking and not just follow feminism blindly-that I do but also I refuse to blindly follow the anti-fems claims, particularly when such vehement hatred is shown.

  7. I was a feminist many years ago, when it was about giving women a choice to pursue careers and other activities that had been irrationally and unfairly denied to them. That goal was mostly met a long time ago, even if there is still some lingering irrational prejudice, such as the idea that science and engineering are masculine, and fashion and cooking are feminine.

    In the years since then, feminism got more and more radicalized, until it was largely the domain of man-hating lesbians and nutty academic "gender theorists"  who want to "deconstruct gender" and eradicate all natural gender differences between men and women. Feminism as it exists today is mainly the radical edge of feminism, because there is nothing else left for feminists to push for; all the reasonable demands were met long ago -- as well as a number of unreasonable demands.

    (By "unreasonable demands" I mean things such as letting women be combat soldiers and policemen; and advocating "equality" for women in sports, where they are anything but equal. If you really think women are equal in athletic ability to men, then let's do away with men's and women's teams and let the women compete directly against the men. I can guarantee that would pretty much eliminate all female athletes overnight; because no real woman would stand a chance against a real man.  Men are naturally much bigger, stronger, and more aggressive than women are; and this natural gender difference is a very GOOD thing, to those of us who are attracted to the opposite s*x.)

    Over the years, I came to value and honor our natural s*x differences more and more, and to regard that as the single most essential theme of the Romantic worldview. So I had increasing contempt for what feminism was becoming, which was a kind of insanity, a fantasy in denial of reality. Later I came home to the religion of Wicca, which worships both a God and a Goddess as divine lovers; they can be regarded as the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. So now I regard masculinity and femininity as sacred and holy, something that transcends merely anatomical plumbing, and that even transcends our humanity; it's an image of Divinity Itself, the yin and yang of Nature's Way, which is the great Tao.

    So now I am very firm in my opposition to contemporary man-hating feminism, it has become an issue not just of politics but also of spirituality and my very soul. No longer am I willing to deny the essence of femininity, which is sexual submission and surrender to a strong dominant man. Now I am proud of my sexual submissiveness, and my desire to find a strong, masculine, dominant male to worship and adore. Now I am opposed very vehemently to most of what feminism has come to stand for in this culture, and the damage that it has caused to families and the natural romance and mutual respect between masculine men and feminine women.

    Now I am an all-out advocate of the Backlash against feminism. It's way overdue, but at least it's here now, and it's growing. So there is still hope for the future.


    Add: Oh, for one good example of why I now hate feminism, you should hear how the radical feminists rant and rage against this website:

    It's all about loving marriages and romantic relationships between a strong, masculine, dominant man, and the kind of woman who desires such a man, and is willing to surrender to his assertive male dominance and control. Few things make the feminists foam at the mouth like encountering a proud, masculine, sexually dominant man or a proud, feminine, sexually submissive woman who admires and adores such a man. Well, I guess that's okay, because after all their man-hating rhetoric, I now hate them as much as they hate me, or more.  (*smiles*)  


    The feminists may give lip service to the idea of all women being free to make their own choices; but if a woman's free choice is to find a dominant man to worship and adore and surrender to, then suddenly their support for her freedom goes up in smoke, as they try to incinerate both her and her man.

    It's such blatant hypocrisy and delusion that I found myself wondering if perhaps it was some form of mental illness that they're suffering from. (Not anyone who calls herself a feminist, but the radical ones who deny natural gender differences, and who hate masculine, dominant men and feminine, sexually submissive women.)

  8. It's definitely part of my core being. It's driven mostly by the simple fact that I hate being treated differently because I'm a woman.

  9. Like most people who are anti-feminist I used to think feminism was about hating men and that it was no longer necessary because I could work and go to school. I felt Women's studies were silly because I already knew how to be a woman on my own terms and I didn't feel I was missing out in anything in life by not being a feminist. In fact, I didn't really know what feminism was about anyway.

    I learned a bit about it in the context of sociology, and started to find it more interesting. I learned that there were many different factions of feminism and that it wasn't at all what popular culture and media has taught me.

    One day during my degree I enrolled for a class in the Women's Studies department as an elective. I wasn't specifically into women's studies, but the class had really grabbed my attention and I signed up.

    I was amazed by the women that I met in that seminar. They weren't at all a group of separatist extremists I had feared I would encounter. They were a group of the most diverse and compassionate women I had ever met.

    In this class I learned the different factions, extremes and subcategories of the feminist movement.

    I learned not only about women's issues and the history of women's struggles but about the internal criticism that exists within the movement, the tensions and contentions and the diversity of feminists from one extreme to the mildest representations.

    I learned that feminism was not about giving power to women, about hating men or about opposing traditional gender roles. It was about giving every women her place in society and understanding the dynamics of power and oppression for all minorities based on gender, race, class and other identity labels. I learned that feminism was open to men and attempted not to discredit traditional gender roles but to open the spectrum to a broader variety of possibilities.

    I learned about global power structures and the political economy and how it affects the lives of men and women everywhere and how the distribution of global power oppresses women, people of color, gender minorities, and all those who don't have access to power.

    But most of all, I learned about my own relationship to power and privilege and how most people take their place in society for granted.

    Feminism has driven me to appreciate my place of relative privilege and fight for the rights that I don't have. What drives me the most is the fact that now that I've learned so much there's no turning back and it's impossible to ignore the oppression that goes on in the world.

    There is of course still much internal criticism within the movement, and I find this healthy. What I find so unfortunate is that so many people hold feminism responsible for things that it is currently trying to fight against and has always been opposed to overall. I find it heartwrenching to see people lump all feminists into one large group with the most extreme factions and it infuriates me to see how many people bash feminists and the entire movement as illegitimate when they know so little about the depth and variance of the movement and what it's really fighting for.

    But above anything else, what drives my feminism is the writhing anti-feminist sentiment that theatens to undermine women's questionnable place in society as it stands.

  10. Funny thing I never called myself a feminist until I came here, but for a long time I have been involved in Amnesty International and other organizations, it just breaks my heart the horrors which some human beings have to go through and I believe that we all can do something about it, even if it is a little grain of sand that each one of us contribute. I believe we all have that power as human beings to change this world for the better, also to make this planet a better place for other species.

    Said this, I call myself a feminist, because I was born in a third world country, where from the age of 10, I felt as public property, just because I was a woman, and yes I endured abuses at many levels just because of it. When I was a teenager, my mother was involved in a feminist organization, and the books she lent me, made perfect sense in the world I was living. Years later, I escaped that country that made me feel so uncomfortable as a woman, and I came to Europe, to never go back. Of course Europe or any other country in the West,  is a paradise for women in comparison with third world countries.

    For a while I concentrated in my career and I forgot about those feminist days, until slowly and naturally I began to get involved in humanitarian causes. The more I read, the more I learned, I realized I could not be passive about it.

    When I talk about Third World countries, my main attention is in the poor population, there is a BIG difference between women that can travel or study abroad, to poor women who have to go through the horrors of ancient negative practices and have no escape. Yes in those countries men are also abused, BUT women are seeing as objects you can stone to death, just because you dared to show an ankle by accident.

    I lived in a country where women are extremely afraid of the police, there was no protection for them, still yesterday, I was reading a document about the many violation of Human Rights of so many of these women. I was going to post that here, but you know what? What for? I am tired of the finger pointing, I am tired of which gender is better or worse, I am interested in discussing topics of interest, on giving information. of using this forum FOR  Gender Issues.

    For me feminism is not about who pays in a date, who opens a door, or how I will dominate men, those are petty thoughts. It is about what is going in the REAL world...

    I stop here, I think I drank too much coffee (lol)

  11. When I heard a feminist say that all heterosexual s*x is rape. That Disney World is men's way of brainwashing women into the domestic roles. That women should not have more than 1 child. That a woman should put herself and other women above men. That choice lesbianism is better than  being a heterosexual. After hearing all of that I knew I was an Anti-Feminist. And I don't see how some people agree with that c**p.  

  12. I am anti-femminist because I have been unfortunate to see the abuses and hypocrisy of femminism:

    1.  Exclusionary laws

    2.  PC.

    3.  Preferential entry to Tertiary education for women.

    4.  I was a battered husband too.  This one was the hardest to deal with, and it took a long legal process to eventually win.  I blame feminism for most of the trouble and pain.

    5.  Hypocrisy.

    There is lots more, but that should be enough.

    It is not part of my core being because I do not wish to become that against which I stand.

    EDIT:  Seems I am not popular today.  I still stand by my beliefs and what I have said.  

    Having experienced the disgusting imbalance between how men and women are treated in domestic violence cases, I have nothing but scorn for the authorities, courts and feminists who advocate that men cannot be DV victims and who tried to destroy me in the name of making my ex look good.  She ended up doing jail time because I got some good police to investigate her, not PC slaves.

    I ended up with a skull fracture, hydrocephalus and three broken ribs from my ex, and I never laid a hand on her.  The DV police tried to charge me when she had not a mark on her.  I was even asked why I did not defend myself, and I told the police that if I had, there would be no way I would stay out of jail.  I made their lives difficult because I did not fit their preconceptions.

    This is why I keep my anti-feminism away from the core of my being: it hurts too much to dwell on it.

  13. Letion= mentality of a 5 year old.

    What drives my utter hatred for feminists are a number of issues but none more so than their blatant hypocrisy. They speak of "equality" a whole bunch of times. Funny how I've never seen them put those words into action.

    Then there are the biased courts, biased laws, biased punishment and much more.  

  14. People like  ADLKFJDS... He is a MORON in the most extreme sense.  

    To each his own, if slaves had the same mentality I would be a slave right now. It does matter if you don't have equal rights.

    You people are like people in the Matrix you're so brainwashed by the patriarchy that you can't see past your subservient bs lives to realize that HIV aids is spread by HETEROSEXUAL s*x and drugs not by oral s*x which benefits a woman more unless all the non-feminists don't have clitorises anymore. Have fun overpopulating the world, go ahead have a hundred kids why not. Have fun praising men when they cut down more tress and bomb more countries. Good for us that men have taken it upon themselves to single handedly destroy the planet yet they whine about their kids. Hello!!! they are killing the planet their kids live on. Soon it won't matter, all this anti-feminist pro-feminist BS because no one will be here anymore.Either way hope you all are happy in your "Oh yes please men dominate us dominate us" state of mind. I'll be over here fighting the good fight like any self respecting human being should do. I guess none of you "people" ever had someone that you know be sexually abused, raped, or any other type of atrocity so for right now aggressive dominant men aren't a bother to you. As soon as something happens to you or one of the women in your lives all of a sudden you'll be on the civil rights activist train like all the other SENSIBLE people in the world. But little do I know maybe you'll just turn your head and pretend nothing happened. Then again most crime affects poor, non-white, single women so I guess it wouldn't bother you rich, married, white women like it affects the rest of us. Good for you hope you all don't end up on the news. I truly do, that would be awful. Enjoy your lives. To all the extreme anti-feminist out there why not get a whole load of nukes and put the entire human race out of it's misery. I'm beggin' ya!

  15. @ Victoria U. Oh my effing God. What feminists have you been meeting? That is insane. I don't think that most third wave feminists believe any of that c**p. At least I don't...

    Anyway, I became a feminist at 14 when I was making out with my boyfriend and was labeled a "s**t" for doing so,  while my best male friend was having casual s*x with all of these girls at concerts and doing so without consequence. He was hot, but I was a s**t. Then, when I was 18, during my second year of college, my feminism was reinforced when I posted some pretty innocent pictures of myself up on myspace and all of these older men (around 25-30) were sending me sexually explicit messages. And I'm not talking about an innocent comment like, "You look good in those pictures.", but full on, "Hey there hot stuff, how would you like to see some pictures of my d**k?"  I told them to **** off, and they told me, "You should make your profile private if you don't want people making comments about you." I was furious, because I shouldn't have to make my profile private so that men won't make overtly offensive sexual comments about me; they shouldn't be making sexual comments about me at all unless I've showed some interest in them! That argument to me sounded so much like the, "The woman who wears a short skirt was asking to be raped" comment. That's stupid! Women shouldn't be blamed for rape or sexual harassment, the people who rape and sexually harass should because they're the ones doing it! I recognized the various double standards and flat out bull very early on and decided to spend my adult life fighting against them.  

    After that, I found out that the feminist movement is working towards all aspects of gender equality and issues regarding women, including keeping access to hormonal birth control/abortion safe and legal, giving people the information they need to practice safe s*x (i.e. fighting for comprehensive sexual education instead of abstinence-only), combating rape and domestic violence, fighting the wage gap (which still exists), fighting for longer paid maternity AND paternity leave in the US, and yes, fighting against various societal ideas about gender including the idea that "boys don't cry" and "girls can't be aggressive." Most feminists I've met don't personally choose to be SAHM, but will lash out at any person who says that being a SAHM is an easy job or one that doesn't deserve any respect.

    And before anyone goes labeling me a misanthropist or some such nonsense, I might add that ALL of my friends are men and that I'm currently dating a man. If I hated men so much, than why would I be hanging around with them?  

  16. I conduct my life with reason and believe strongly in the value of moral decency.

    That's why I'm an anti-feminist.

  17. Goodness, the hostility!

    I'm a feminist. I've always been one, and I will always be one. I'm raising my son and daughter to be feminists. The people wandering about, foaming at the mouth and biting like rabid dogs at the "horrors" feminism has visited upon the human race are nothing but laughable. I used to get annoyed, but now I'm matured enough to realize that they don't know any better. They've confused "misandry" with "feminism" and mentally limped to the fight. Their every talking point comes from Rush Limbaugh and his ilk- and that being a given, I've come to the realization that they don't have anything worthwhile to say.

    As a feminist, I am an equalist. I believe men and women should be equal, given equal opportunity... not equal outcomes. I don't want educational standards lowered in schools to allow women and minorities easier access. That cheapens the system. I don't want physical standards lowered for police and fire departments. That endangers society. However, I do want women to have the opportunity to try, and the opportunity to enroll/enlist/work if she proves herself capable.

    Our society is doing quite well. There much ado about the wage gap, but people ignore that women are taking prime career-building years off to raise a brood. THAT creates a wage gap.

    Are there sexist issues? Yes. Medical insurance companies frequently cover Viagra yet neglect to cover birth control pills. Rape is rarely prosecuted and punished. Medical research on women is lagging alarmingly... we know almost nothing specific about women's cardiovascular systems, nervous systems, etc as compared to men. Breast cancer research is pretty much the only arena in women's health getting specific attention, and MRA's complain that it gets more than prostate cancer- true, but prostate cancer kills a lot less men than breast cancer kills women. Also, men GET breast cancer. Women do NOT get prostate cancer. The number one killer of women is heart disease. That's bad for us- medicine is just starting to look specifically at female cardiovascular research.

    Do men have sexist problems too? Of course. They're frequently screwed on the custody front. There IS that. It's unfair when men lose out on a job due to a quota need for a woman or an Asian or whatever the quota is that needs filled.

    Alimony? Maybe an issue. Reproductive rights? Maybe. Maybe maybe maybe a lot of things.

    To everyone throwing hate at feminism- your ire does nothing to make me shrink. I would never belittle a SAHM (or a SAHD for that matter.) I have no issue with submissive women dating dominant men. I believe in having the freedom to choose whether you want to date John Wayne or Hugh Grant. It's YOUR choice... I won't make it for you. I don't want to. Hey, I like sexually dominant men too. ;)

    Feminism is necessary, especially since it's 2008 and we still have women being sold like cattle worldwide, rape is common and not punished, and the incredible amount of misogyny in the world is disheartening and needs our help.

    You can spend all your money on Fredericks and Jimmy Choos if you want, rail against the Democrats and liberals for being evil in your eyes, and pretend everything is okay- thats your choice. But my choice as a feminist.... Feminism's choice, as a whole... is to help millions of voiceless women overseas to have food and shelter for their children. Let them feel safe at night. Treat them when they are sick and injured. The harm visited upon them is brought exclusively by men. THAT is what feminism is for.

    Ciao. ;)  

  18. Feminists. Try talking to one. Probably helps if you're a guy.

  19. I am anti feminist since feminism is based wholly on lies simply invented to salve their misandryst psychosis. The facts are that not one negative comment about men ever made by any feminist anywhere at any time is actually true. An example might be Domestic Violence. ONLY feminist "research" concludes that men are more violent to women than the reverse. Every non feminist survey in every first world occidental country shows that women are more violent and women believe they have a right to do anything they like to a male. Telling such outrageous lies does not help our society and indeed harms our society. As Robert Putnam has observed there has been a marked decline in social capital. Wherever feminism has started about 5 years later social capital declines. In addition to this I find feminist comments offensive which is what they are meant to be.  

  20. I am an feminist in a lot of ways, because I think this is really the only time period where women can be a feminist because it is more accepted in this day and age. It is part of who I am also.

    I believe, however, that there is a lot of double-standards and hypocrisy in feminism. I get angry when I hear a so-called "feminist" criticize another woman for being a stay-at-home mom. I am angry by this b/c feminism is about giving women a right to choose what they want to do: go out and get a career and make a living for themselves or staying home to care for their children and husband. Feminism is about choice, and it just seems hyporcritical for a feminist to say another woman is a feminist because she doesn't want to have a career. What is great about today is that you can do one or the other or both at the same time.

    Feminism for me is a great thing and although it still gets a lot of ridicule and it is looked down upon a lot, it is still a great thing and I only hope it will get better in the future. There's still a lot of improvement to be made. Women should never be barred from making a choice of how they want to live their lives.

  21. I was born in 1961, looked around, shuddered  - and immediately became a feminist.

  22. A 121" American built V-twin.

  23. I am not Anti-Feminism.....I am just not a supporter of Modern Day Feminism. What drives me, the joy I find in staying home to raise my kids....I wish that more women could enjoy it too!

  24. I am anti-feminism because as a boy my mother was a radical feminist. She told me I was a worthless dog, who starts wars and only thinks with the head of my p***s and not the head on my shoulder and how I oppress women and destroy their lives.

    I have a significant amount of mental damages from that, then she let my younger sisters beat on me (One even broke my jaw with a golf club) with out punishment because I "Deserved it because I am a man" but I was a little kid.

    Also she confused my gender roles and I was super feminine for awhile, had no clue in h**l what a healthy balanced relationship looked like and it got my a lot of problems with finding a partner.

    Feminism basically f*cked up my life.  

  25. I'm an ant-feminist and I don't need any excuses. I never was a feminist, nor do I ever want to be one, nor will I ever think like one. I fully believe a woman can go out there get a job and not be a feminist; I;ve been there and I've done that when I was single and when I was married. I don't care whether or not we're equal; I won't die if we are and I won't die if we're not. I'm not like that.  

  26. I'm just terrified of the violence and threat that modern feminism poses to men and women throughout the world.

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