
What drug would be yellow giving one pinpoint pupils?

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someone once put a yellow powder substance in my bottled water, I didnt notice it until after I had drank a little water. It kept me up for days and gave me pinpoint pupils, and considering I only swallowed a little it was very strong. Anyone know what it was.




  1. Speed?  E? I'm not too sure on what drugs are yellow, but it could have been a pill.

    The more important issue here is be sure to watch your food and drink!  It's difficult to believe someone would randomly put something in your water like that.

  2. Stimulant, central nervous system—Amphetamine; Dextroamphetamine; Methamphetamine

    Comes in powder and tablet forms

    Physical Symptoms:

    Confused thinking; alternating moods; aggressive behaviour; abundance of energy; jerky movements; dry mouth; no appetite; inability to sleep; exhaustion; toxic psychosis

  3. Define 'days'.

    It sounds like someone gave you caffine...but this shouldn't keep you up for days.  Any other powder would almost certainly cause a major stomach upset, with the concentration that you described...

  4. Sounds odd.

    Stimulants will keep you up for days but make your pupils dilate

    Depressants will make you "pinned" (pinpoint pupils) but unless you take them regularly they will usually knock you out.

    When you have an tolerance to depressants they can keep you awake and give you energy because you take them to feel "normal"

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