
What dye will i use to do blond?

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i have medium brow hair and would love blond or light brown hair but what is the best thing 2 use?

this is me bwt i dont no if it matters:




  1. blonde hair dye?

  2. if its the first time, i suggest you let a pro stylist do your hair...

  3. get red head, and then you would probably s***w it up and turn out blond.

  4. Please please please! If you are getting blonde hair.. get it done professionaly!!! I promise you colors never turn out how they look on the box and you almost always end up with brassy undertones or orangish discolorations!.. If you cant afford it, try going to a cosmo school where they do dye for usually $30 and are trained by very good professional hairstylists that watch them and guide them thru..

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