
What easy science project could i do?

by  |  earlier

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easy to do




  1. which flowers stay fresh the longest or which foods sustain them best

  2. does light effect a nocturnal animals diet, is there an effect on the brain when you listen to music or play violent games, is there a pattern in finger prints like could you tell what kind or fingerprint your child would have.

  3. If you tear a lot of toilet paper up into tiny pieces and freeze it into an ice cube (you need a lot of pieces), the resulting ice cube will be nearly impossible to break - you can even hit it with a hammer!

    Just a personal favorite.

  4. Those above are pretty good! I like the ice cube one...part of the project could be proving why it doesn't break and the physics and chemistry behind it.

    What age is this for?

  5. use a pulley to bring something from one end of the room to the other end.

  6. Try a nail in  a bottle of coke. Leave it there for a weak and it will desolve. You could show the differce bettwen acids in pop and diet pop.

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