
What effect can very hot baths have on my body?

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Do this baths have any negative or positive effect on my body?

Please note, by hot baths I mean really really... really hot baths.




  1. Well first of all, really hot baths can potentially burn your skin or create blisters. Many people believe they are able to sense this and adjust the water temperature accordingly, but often times your skin is much more sensitive than you think (this is from my personal experience also, taking on a hot hot bath when I was young, only to form blisters a day later.)

    Second, although it is true that hot baths washes off oil and open up your pores. The process is actually a double edged sword. Some oil is essential, and steaming hot water may also strip away moisture from your skin. Opening pores only help if you wash your face first, otherwise it only allows more dirt, germs, etc to penetrate deeper than before.

    Finally, if you're Male and plan to have kids one day, it's probably a good idea not to have really hot baths for too longs.

    warm water is enough.

  2. I agree with dreambaka. I think having really hot baths have potentially more disadvantages than advantages. You could be at risk for burns, and hot water tends to really dry skin out. It raises your body temperature and might even cause you to pass out. Now that would be a problem especially if you are alone. Lastly, it is true, that exposure to considerably high temperatures tend to  have a negative effect on reproductive age males.  

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