
What effect do shrooms give you?

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What effect do shrooms give you?




  1. If you are referring to the kind that people use to get "high" they are a mild poison. I put the word "high" in quotes because they don't cause a high like alcohol, pot, or other common drugs. What they do is change your thinking. They make the illogical seem logical. That's why people on shrooms (and other hallucinogens) do stupid things like walk in front of a moving car to prove that the car doesn't actually exist. Then they get injured and can't figure out why.

    The biggest danger with hallucinogens is that they change your thinking but they don't make you feel different. You don't feel high. You think you need to take more so you will feel high. Next thing you know its a life threatening overdose. They're mildly poison in low doses but deadly in slightly higher doses.

  2. Okay, now here's what really happens when you take shrooms.

    It depends on how many you take and what type, first of all (by the way, psilocybe cubensis (magic mushrooms) are not poisonous at all - the active ingredient, psilocybin, is thought to affect your seretonin receptors to cause the change in perception).  Some strains of P. Cubensis make you more social and others make you more inward looking, but generally, they all change your perception of reality.

    You think differently and many times, things that normally seem important (like money and material things) become unimportant.  Taking a low dose will make colors more vibrant, nature will look very beautiful, music will sound great, and being around people will feel good.  Taking a medium dose will trigger open and closed-eye visuals and invoke more philosophical thought.  Taking a high dose will cause objects take on living characteristics (walls breath), cause more intense closed and open-eyed visuals, cause a deeper understanding of things, and cause a feeling of oneness with the universe.

    Despite being called hallucinogens, they don't really make you hallucinate, as in seeing things that aren't there.  It's more like you see things that are always there, just in a different way.  Or you just don't notice them when not on the mushrooms.  You have a different perception and see things differently or you can more clearly see things happening in your imagination.  It's kind of hard to explain how you feel on them, but you can read trip reports on to see what people have felt and seen.

    People have been injured on psychedelic drugs before, but those cases are pretty rare and it's because some people are irresponsible when they take them.  It's no different than with alcohol - you have to be responsible.  Except many more deaths result from irresponsibility with alcohol than mushrooms because it's extremely difficult to have a fatal overdose with mushrooms unlike alcohol, which affects the brain stem during intoxication.

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