
What effect would the Midheaven have on one's personality?

by Guest31793  |  earlier

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I've heard a lot about the Midheaven having to do with careers and such. But how would it affect a person's daily day-to-day life? Does it show up as conspicuously as the Ascendant, personality wise? Or is it strictly professional preference? And also, how would its aspects play into all of this? What of the planets that are in the 10th house?

For example, my Midheaven is in Scorpio. Pluto (Scorpio) is conjunct the Midheaven. Mercury (Scorpio) is also in the 10th house, along with Venus (Sagittarius). What's it all mean?

And while we're on the topic, what, if anything, would that say about my preferences regarding my professional life?

Thanks in advance!





  1. hey yes - Midheaven is career, and is very important with how you project yourself to the world as far as your ambitions and goals are concerned. It also represents the areas in which you strive and feel most comfortable in as far as work positions. It's basically the business face that you put on, and can be very important...To the point where people will see you as your midheaven sign. Much like another mask, similar to the ascendant, but related to career.

    -this is how it would affect your personality. i am not quite sure how it is linked though

    Pluto is a generational sign, and has an affect on society as a whole. Your whole generation will have pluto in scoprio. With Pluto in Scorpio, which I also have, it represents a time where we are discovering and revealing taboos...s*x is talked about more openly, and the discovery of AIDS is noted...etc. You can look it up if you want to know more in depth. Of course, the house that it falls in is what makes it more personal...For example, mine is in the 1st house, so that has a pretty strong influence on my personality, since it is in the ascendant, and reflects in how I project myself.

    I hope that helped. if you go to this website, and put in your details, read where you might prefere to work, it is usually there, this is how i found mine :) and its free

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