
What effects do colas have on your body?

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What effects do colas have on your body?




  1. On mine? I can't drink the stuff. I'm not really that sensitive but it does two things- really bad stomach cramps (not gas or any of that stuff) and caffeine gives me migraines. I'll have a sip every once in a while, but I haven't really had it in years.

  2. Colas sap the calcium out of your bones and make them brittle, it also dehydrates your body, but it still tastes good especially with whiskey

  3. cola is not good for your teeth cola is only good 4 win u hav headachs

  4. Colas, 'pop', soda drinks = weight gain.  NOT good for you.

  5. it's true about the bone density - you can read more about it here:

  6. they make ur teeth bad if you keep it in ur mouth too long. my friend did a project on that and they soaked a bone in coke, and a few weeks later it came out really disgusting and stuf. i think that it can hav the same effect if u drink it everyday.

    also, it stops ur growin. i mean the caffeine does. and the caffeine makes u hyper and jumpy, duh.

    gas from the carbonation........ yah. sometimes hurts.

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