
What effects does ill health have on the behaviour of the domestic cat?

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What effects does ill health have on a cats behaviour? How does it change it?




  1. Depends on the illness,  with URI they can become very listless and sleep a lot.  I think it depends on the severity of the illness and the degree of discomfort.

  2. all cats behave differently my 15 year old cat used to lay on the hard floor in the bathroom and sleep we think this was because her bones hurt her she was very skinny eventually we had to have her put to sleep if your worried about your cat you should take it to the vets x

  3. I guess it's the same has a human! The cat might feel grumpy etc etc

  4. It depends upon their personality and the illness.  Sudden changes in eating, drinking, toileting, sleeping or grooming habits can all be indicative that something isn't right.  Just as with humans, some cats will become short-tempered if they feel ill, whilst others will be very quiet and act withdrawn.  Most owners will notice when their cat is behaving out of character and not like his usual self.

    The web site below has a check list of common signs that a cat needs to be seen by a vet.

    Hope this helps.

  5. My dear late moggie acted really strnge when he was ill. He would sit and howl and then go and hide until I found him. He was very ill and I did not realise. So if you cat is behaving very strangely then you must seek advice from your vet as how best to help your cats whilst it is ill.

    Most cats prefer to be left to their own devices when they are ill and often go away to die when their time has come. But I'm sure this will not be the case with your cat.

    We humans also act strangely when effected by ill health and cats are no different believe me.

    I hope the cats health improves quite soon.


  6. Depends on the illness and the temperment of your cat. A vet is the best source to evaluate him at this point. Any change in behavior could indicate illness.

    Clawing, urinating other than in the litter box, constant in your face meowing or needing attention, listlessness, sleeping all the time, watery dull eyes. Lack of appetite, drinks a lot of water. Dull coat.

    If you're suspect then your cat is probably sick.  

  7. We had to have our 21 year old cat put to sleep last year.  He had renal failure, and a change in his food helped for quite a long time.  But with advanced renal failure, food and drink taste terrible to a cat, so they don't eat and they don't drink.  I was fortunate enough to know this, so I took him to an emergency appointment to our vet, and he was put to sleep.  I held him briefly until he died, then had to leave, and sat crying in the car.  I think now about getting another cat, but I am so soft that I know I will want to bring home every cat in the sanctuary.  But to answer your question, I really think that not eating or drinking are the biggest signs that something is seriously wrong.

  8. From what I've experienced with our free roamers, their eyes go a little dull, they lose weight, and they seem really low on energy. I'm sure it depends on the type of illness, though.

  9. My recently departed cat Poppy acted strange in that she would keep hiding under the table and not wanting to sit on our laps like she would normally do. She just laid down and slept most of the day. Movement as in walking was slow. She ate and drank less than usual.  Had to have her put to sleep at weekend as her kidney failure had deteriorated to such a point that the vet could do no more.

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