
What effects has globalization exerted on people's job option?

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What effects has globalization exerted on people's job option?




  1. Henry Ford created the assembly line and this put the individual in a position where they performed one relatively simple specific function repeatedly (instead of building an entire product they build one part of a product with many other workers doing the same thing at different stations until the product is complete).  In effect this takes ownership of the building process away from a worker and reduces them to a cog that can be easily replaced. With the decline of unions to protect workers and the lowering of their skill set through this process many workers now find themselves at the mercy of the free market that demands the worker adapt him/herself to the interests of trans-national corporations (those corporations that move around the globe looking for the best bang for the lowest amount of dollars) and this means that the stability of people's employment has become very rocky (in blue collar and increasingly in white collar jobs). So, to wrap it up- the worker's skill set is reduced, they are hired for only the time transnationals need them (little security), and their jobs can be out-sourced around the world to the cheapest work force. There is a lot of inexpensive poor quality product being produced by this but the cost of living is rising steeply and so the upshot is a lot of unhappy, insecure workers buying c**p and living if not hand to mouth then close to it. Meanwhile C.E.O.'s fly private jets to one of their many mansions.

  2. Multi National Companies(especially manufacturing) will relocate to countries with lower labour costs as well as lower raw material costs. Definitely this will cause retrenchment.

    Developed countries will start to hire foreign labour for unskilled jobs. While unscrupulous enterprises will abuse this priviledge to hire lowly paid foreign labour, while lowering citizen's wages due to market competition by the cheaper foreign labour.

    This will end up in middle class unskilled employees relocating to other industries where the foreign competition is not so intensed. This will also cause talents to leave the country in search of greener pastures.

    I won't name names but in my country, the unskilled middle class are suffering from a double whammy of an all time high inflation together with wage cut through globalization. That is the effect of globalization.

  3. By out-sourcing jobs, it reduces the amount of jobs available here to apply for, let alone get. With fewer jobs available here, more people are unemployed here.

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