
What effects would increased carbon dioxide have on crops such as...?

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hard red wheat??




  1. Co2 is essntial for food making process in limit,if the concentration become high it is harmful.

  2. killer

  3. You should get several conflicting answers.  Several experiments have been conducted that readily prove, when all other things are held equal and in plentiful supply, increasing CO2 levels will result in an increased plant growth.

    The problem with that line of thinking is simple.  It doesn't take Liebig's law of the minimum into consideration.  If CO2 isn't the item limiting plant growth, then increasing CO2 will not increase plant growth.  And if increasing CO2 results in a decrease of the limiting factor (say moisture), then increasing CO2 levels will actually decrease plant growth.

    This is why the comments on global warming and CO2 production is so confusing.   Increasing CO2 levels will affect other things, such as temperature, which also affect plant growth.  So in the long run, increasing CO2 levels at the global level may well result in reduced plant growth.

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