
What efforts are the British Government doing towards reducing our reliance on oil for transportation.?

by Guest56582  |  earlier

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Is our government investing in other fuel technologies for our mobility requirments. We have a couple of LPG pumps in my town which has a population over 100,000. To me it is clear, it is not in any Government's interest to invest heavily into alternative transportation fuels, and reduce our dependance from international influences. Why do most European governments subsidise public transportation, and we do not. Please all comments welcome




  1. They should abolish stamp duty on house purchases then people could afford to move house nearer their job and then they would not have to commute  loads of miles each day.

    I live 1.2 miles from my work and never drive to work

    And ban parents from taking kids to school in cars. I never did my parents never did so why should most people do it now ?

  2. A vast amount of public transport is subsidised..

  3. lpg is still oil derived and no better for environment than petrol, diesel is the least polutant, not a big lot can be be done in one go,  it all relies on manufacturers  bringing out alterative solutions

  4. due the raising prices of the oil, we have inflation, but at the same time it slows the race from developed countries and increases profits from British, spanish, Italian and North American OIL companies. (Texaco, Shell, Exxon, Agip, Total, ...).

    Gas and diesel have high percentage as a Tax what means  that government are receiving more from what has been sold. Add this Tax to the Billions from multinational companies, the government are receiving significative revenues from this situation and there is no need to change that.

    Lies about the BioFuels and food raising prices well supported by the press shows that there is some sort of conspiracy. International organizations and recent economic wolrd forum said that is not true.

    US are troubled by their economic problem and we are talking about billions of Dollars being trade within OIL Market.  Without those billion US would be in bankrupt quickier than anything else. Demmand must keep high to hold the pricer high and avoid to bring down entire economy of the developed world (ok, most were UK, Mexico, Canada than EU ) Look to the subprime side effects.

    Subside trasnportation, one of the worst Health System of western Europe (I saw 3 countries and I'm able to say), declining quality of education system, lack of competitive professionals (why compatitive professionals are brought from outside), lost of critical data due the lack of knowledge of best practices. ...  Government is collapsing as happened with many other Countries before.

    Time to learn French or German (to find work there) - bt international business language stills english - as french was once.

  5. P***k all thats what

  6. Hydrogen is apparently what they were concerntrating on .

    But why use that when they can milk the stupid public for a few more years.

    Theres loads of oil left anyway !!

  7. they will do nowt if it costs them money...

    as they get more money from petrol rather then LPG

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