
What election year had the highest voter turnout in the United States? Why isn't voting mandatory in the US?

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What election year had the highest voter turnout in the United States? Why isn't voting mandatory in the US?




  1. We live in a democratic nation so voting is not enforced.

  2. Why would you want voting to become mandatory?  Do you really want people voting that only will vote but have no thought behind it? Do you think you want to trust your future to someone who doesn't watch what is happening in the world? Or someone who will vote for someone "strictly" because they are a woman or black?

  3. nothing is mandatory in the united states except taxes.

  4. 2004 was

    And it isnt mandatory because we are a free nation.

  5. Not sure what the highest voter turnout was but would mandatory voting kind of contradict the idea of a democracy?

  6. Mandatory? What are they doing do to? come to your house and arrest you for not voting?  That concept is against everything this country is about.

    Voting is a privilege , but if you dont want to, thats ok.

    Just dont complain about who is in office later on.   :)


  7. Freedom is the reason voting isn't mandatory. That's my understanding anyway. Of course with greater freedom comes greater responsibility, which some people won't assume. They misinterpret what freedom means. Freedom doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. To live in a civilized society means that you take the initiative and inclination to live responsibly. Every person of age and who is a citizen has an obligation (duty) to vote in my view but I do understand why some people don't vote. Government is hard to understand. There is too much corruption and too little understanding. I really don't think we all are that different in our beliefs and what we feel is important. We probably all need to take more communication classes.

  8. 1936 in terms of the percentage of eligible voters going to the polls.

    It isn't mandatory because no major or minor political party wants it. In 1992 H. Ross Perot ran for President and many who voted for him were the "voluntary disenfranchised" who had not voted in recent years or ever voted. That scared the major parties.

  9. how would we enforce mandatory voting  ?

    voting really isn't necessary , the politicians / large companies figure it all out in advance and then just fix the ballots (FLORIDA) .  LOL

    we bother to go to poll ?

    if they do not like your vote / they just change it.  might as well save yourself the trouble and the expense it takes them to do this .. that they will  no doubt pass along to you in the form of taxes LOL

  10. 2004 the one that reelect Bush.

    If people won't go as easy it as it is I don't anything else will get them there either.

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