
What else am i..?

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Im caucasion, but my nationalities include irish,french,english,and spanish. What else am i?

When I ask this I mean what are the other possibilities for my nationalities from major migrations,etc.




  1. Your still white if thats what your asking and your whatever nationality from where ever you are born in like if you were born in America your American or born in Ireland your Irish ect,ect,ect....

  2. Your nationality is where you are born and your citizenship.  Unless you have dual citizenship it is only one thing.  If you are a U.S. citizen then your nationality is American.

    Your ancestral heritage would be Irish, French, English and Spanish but those are not your nationalities.

    If a person is naturalized in a federal court somewhere in the U.S. this week, their nationality becomes just as American as mine and I had ancestors here before the Mayflower at Jamestown, Virginia and among those today that people trying to be politically correct call Native Americans.

  3. History search: England was invaded in 1066 by William the Conqueror, a Norman (Frenchman).  But most of his men were Celts, from England.  Since that time, ALL KINGS AND QUEENS OF ENGLAND HAVE BEEN FOREIGNERS! Queen Elizabeth II is descended from the Welshman, Owains (Owens). So, for England, of course, Vikings...Danes, Norwegians, Swedes and Finns and, don't forget, Germans.

    For the Irish, it is basically the same; before William the Conqueror, Irish and English were practically the same thing.

    (See: "The implication that the Irish, English, Scottish, and Welsh have a great deal in common with each other, at least from the geneticist's point of view, seems likely to please no one."

    --- Nicholas Wade

    ------3/4 of the ancestors of all of the inhabitants listed above arrived in Ireland, Scotland, England, or Wales between 15,000 and 7,500 years ago; subsequent rising sea levels cut them off from the European continent.

    ------Later invaders (Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, Vikings, and Norman French) account for only a small amount of the gene pool:

    ---12 percent in Ireland

    ---30 percent in Scotland

    ---1/3 in Eastern and Southern England

    4 days ago


    Nicholas Wade. "English, Irish Scots: They're All One, Genes Suggest." New York (March 5, 2007).

    In Roman times, France was named Gaul (from the tribe).  Spain was named Hispania.  Both have many of the same tribes as England, with quite a few differences.  Suffice it to say, if you can go back far enough, any one living in France or Spain will have ancestors from Italy and before that Greece and before that Turkey and Israel, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Armenia...

    Beside history books, you can check migrations from the National Geographics Genotype Program.  They have several sites: just google "National Geographics Genotype Program.

    And, don't forget, a DNA test.  By paper trail I have traced my ancestry all over Europe and the other countries named above, as well as to Africa, China, Japan, the Philippines...

  4. your'e nationality is wherever you were born and raised in

    example: i was born in america and raised here so my nationality is american.

    you're race is caucasian because you are of european descent. example: i am polish, welsh/celtic english, italian and french indian. but since i am mostly of european descent

    but your genetics all depend on what your parents are you get half of each. if my mum is all polish and my dad is italian and french indian half and half i would be 1/2 polish, a quarter italian and a quarter french indian. (no that is not the real race's of my parents)

  5. Not enough information provided to help you further

  6. Your NATIONALITY is that of whatever country you were born and raised in.  Your HERITAGE is that of where ever all your ancestors came from.  Your RACE is Caucasian.  Caucasian is not a nationality.  Your heritage of your ancestors is not your nationality.

    You are a Caucasian (race) American (nationality) with Irish, French, English, and Spanish heritage.

    Without researching your family tree, there is NO WAY anyone else can tell you what other heritage you may have.  You have asked a question that cannot be answered.
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