
What else are you doing whilst surfing Yahoo Answers?

by  |  earlier

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What else is occupying your attention at this time?




  1. Watching Winnie the Poo with my daughter.

  2. the fact that i have to be at work in 16 minutes is

  3. I'm suppose to be working!  HA!  Can't seem to get motivated today!

  4. Good question.  I am at work and also trying to find someone to chat with to help my Friday fly!  So I am very busy :)

  5. work

  6. Good Morning America is on TV, it's getting close to 9am and I'm thinking about what I'm going to do today. I took the day off to have a 4 day weekend since Monday is Labor Day (holiday).

    FYI, your post is considered chat, and thus a violation (be careful) and has nothing to do with Marriage & Divorce (also a violation).

  7. I'm working! hahahaha

  8. waiting for my kids to finish with their breakfast so i can get back to "work"

    i'm on a break here!

  9. yahoo messenger and eBay

  10. The laundry is washing, the dishes are washing, I'm thinking that I better get moving and stain and lacquer the base boards we bought yesterday, how I should get the laundry that is washed and folded put away. I just finished the billing for my husband, so I'm wondering when those will get paid, and every time I try to walk away from this d**n computer I think "Just one more question and I'm done" - lol..

  11. coffee

  12. just sitting at home doing nothing, no work no school, just enjoying life for now...

  13. I am actually at "work"

    Question, why do I get a thumbs down for answering this question? Is the answer wrong? I am my own boss so I am guessing I am not ripping off my own company. Just curious.

  14. drinking morning coffee and watching youtube videos

  15. watching the news, sitting on my bed with the laptop in front of me......thinking of all the things i wanna get done today...hahaha!!! wont get much done if i continue on Y/A!!! its sooooo addicting!!!!!

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