
What else can I do? Is this okay?

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My social anxiety, fears, and shyness are taking over.The thought of being in a group setting makes me want to hide under a rock somewhere. Therapists have been of no help. Neither have Paxil, Prozac, etc...

I am tired of this.Being is group settings has caused me to hyperventilate. Always afraid of messing up. I get nervous, nauseous, and shaky in group settings, AKA work/school. Afraid of being watched or judged. Have no idea what to say to people. I feel awkward and out of place in all situations. The only people I can (somewhat) relax around are members of my IMMEDIATE family! I feel alone, strange, different. I can't even go to parties. Being in places like Walmart's bad enough. I get really anxious there.

Only only one person understands me really. Sees the way it is for me.

I ram reluctantly resorting to (the potential pursuit of) SSI disability, just so I can pull my own weight. I don't care about having much money though.

When I was a child, I begged my mother to let me be home schooled. I hated being around other kids. Didn't happen though. I stayed home at times just to avoid speeches or being made fun of. The longest job I've kept has been 10 mos. and that in itself made me anxious everyday.

Do I even stand a chance? Tips. Please don't be rude, okay?




  1. I am happy you have come out clearly about your predicament. Why I am happy is you have not kept such things within your heart and brooding over it.

    You are having complex. There are two types of complexes as you might know. One is superiority complex. Such people assume themselves too much.

    The other is inferiority complex. You are suffering from inferiority complex. You are yourself belittling yourself. Even if others are talking about you casually, you should not at all worry about others observations about you. You should know your potential and worth. Be bold and courageous. When you talk correctly and when you talk only truth and when you talk only good things, you need not have to worry about mixing with people. Because when you adopt these qualities, there is no room to fear or feel shy.

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