
What else can I do for a yellowjacket bee sting? I'm at my wits end..

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I was stung on my foot about 15 hours ago. I removed the stinger. The pain is still there at the sting site, it feels like I'm still getting stung by the bee. I have tried baking soda, vinegar, the penny method, alcohol and can't get rid of the stinging burning pain. The only thing I'm doing is keeping an ice pack on it. I went to the doctor, they gave me prednisone, benadryl, and Tylenol 3. The tylenol is not taking away the pain. It is only slightly swollen, as I'm keeping ice on it. I am in excruciating pain when the ice pack is not on it...Has this ever happened to anyone else? I have been stung in the past, but never like this. I'm starting to worry that the pain will never go away.




  1. It will wear off very soon. Stick with the ice and I'm sure the pain and swelling will go down soon. It's just something your body has to deal with on it's own. There isn't much you can really do either.

  2. I was stung by a yellow jacket a few weeks ago.  I don't remember having so much of a problem.  I do remember the feeling of continual stinging in the area.  I used a topical anti itch spray, ice, and some sleep.  Pressure on the area seemed to relieve some of the annoying pain.  There is also the pain relieving neosporin.  That may work a little better as a numbing agent.    

  3. Try using some tobacco....I know it sounds weird but I used to get stung ALOT and my grandfather would take a small bit of tobacco from a cigarette or chewing tobacco get it just a little bit wet, just enough so it would stick together  and put it on the sting site. It really helped me through alot of stings, hope it helps yours.

  4. For some odd reason when I was a little girl my grandfather would put chewing tabacco on yellowjacket stings and the pain would go away fast!

  5. I have been keeping honey bees for several years now and i feel pretty confident about answering this one. Some form of benidryl or antihistamine will help with the itching and possibly the swelling if taken soon after the sting. You will receive lots of input about thinngs like meat tendorizer, tobacco,baking soda an other topical treatments. they are all just wives tales. I have tried and none seam to work. the venom of a wasp is different than that of a honey bee. a honey bees venom is an irritant used to defend the hive while a wasps venom is used to kill its prey. My best advice is to not rub or scratch and let it run its course. it is normal for it to be sore for a coupel of days

    I have had stings itch and be sore for as little as a few minuts or as long as a weak

  6. put toothpaste on it

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