
What else can I do for the animals?

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I'm seventeen, I'm a vegan, and I'm also a member of various Australian animal rights organisations. What else can I do for the animals to promote animal rights and veganism?

Thanks in advance.




  1. I live in Australia too :]

    Every second weekend I go to my local RSPCA and help some of the volunteers with walking dogs and other stuff aswell :]

    Try for more ideas,

    they also have heaps of ideas for protesting etc.

    Though, protesting isn't really my thing- I envy people who do it though :]

  2. here's some ideas:

    Ensure you sign up to all the e-partitions that lobby governments and industry over the meat industry practices.

    Join a "sensible" group that runs campaigns to help promote and educate about animal welfare - something like the CIWF organisation ( Compassion in World Farming )

    Ensure you buy all your goods from an ethical supply chain.

    At 17 you may be short of cash, so spend it wisely in the right places - support shops that promote vegan foods.

    Write articles for magazines / newspapers that are void of animal rights or vegan articles. Share the postive aspects of veganism with people who would not normally come across it.

    LEARN about veganism and animal welfare. If you are in this for life then you have 70 years in which to build up a body of knowledge that you can either use to preach AT people or use to eduate and encourage change. I presonally think you should get to see farms, learn first hand about the livestock processes. Visit them on open days, learn about the animals and how they are kept. That way you will not risk being called a "PETA brainwashed hippie". I see beef and dairy farmers every week and have far more influence over them than people who pretend farmers are the Spawn of Satan and don't exist. I've lost count of the comments I get from farmers about how veggies would be more respect if they all "were like you"

    Ask the industry some probing questions, particularly the supply chain. Keep them open so they do not think you have a pre-bias, but ask questions about where they get thier meat from, what quality standards do they insist thier suppliers keep to. All these questions help keep animal welfare in the minds of the buyers.

    I wouldn't recommend trying to persuade others to change on an individual basis. If they show willing, then Educate  Them...then let them make up thier own minds. If you do it right, the change will be permanent whereas if you preach to people the change ( if any ) will be temporary.

  3. Pet a roo?

  4. Try volunteering at an animal shelter.

    That's great what your doing by the way!


  5. Convince as many people as you can to become vegetarian/vegan.Protest,makae shirts saying things like what do you eat? and like animals on the bottom of it.  

    Inform people about slaughterhouses and the mean things they do to animals in the process.

  6. the animals are not depends other also. and you so better serives in your oragition

  7. I seriously think the next step for vegans is suicide.

    They'll start thinking in their warped minds, that they are using up much needed oxygen from the dear animals.

  8. Maybe you could encourage your friends to switch to organic foods.

  9. If you're talented in the kitchen, cook for your omni friends and family when possible.  Show them just how delicious vegan food is and how they won't even miss the meat.  If there's a pro-veg organization near you, try leafleting with them or tabling at local festivals to get the word out.  Where I live, the local pro-veg group often hands out booklets with recipes and local restaurant guides.  I love handing those out because they're small and people love cute little guides that have a milder message about veganism.

  10. ...riyo c...QUE?!!!

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