
What else can I put in my new hamsters cage?

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I bought a huge wired cage for my hamster, it has three levels.

He's so sweet, but at night he keeps me up by biting the wires on his cage. It's very annoying and I don't like putting him in the other room. Also, earplugs do not work! I especially feel bad for the fella because it seems like he's bored. That's why he's doing it. I'd like to stop this problem.

In the cage at the moment, and it's been like this for the past 5 days, he has the following:

-A lot of carefresh at the bottom of the cage

-A kitty litter box in the right hand corner, i'm trying to get him to go pee in it like my dwarf hamster used to, but I don't think it's working... he just likes playing in it anyways..

-a big food dish under his ladder leading to the second floor

-a water bowl in the closest left hand corner

-he likes sleeping in the other corners remaining

-a big silent spinner wheel on the second floor, and nothing but a soft blanket on the third floor.

What else can I put?!?!





  1. Wooden blocks with openings, mobile objects with sounds like bells, balls etc.

    You could buy those spinner wheels *** toy cars whereby your hamster runs on the enclosed spinner wheel fixed on a toy car. Thus its able to run on the wheel and move around the house at the same time.

    When it has used up most of its energy during the day, it would have non left at night to bite its cage.

  2. Wooden chew toys, toilet paper rolls. Some idiot told you to get another hamster - don't they'll kill each other.

    When I got my hamster awhile ago, he chewed on the bars for a couple months, but eventually grew out of it.  

    Get your hammie a house to sleep in, and consider getting a chinchilla sand bath. They love rolling around in it, and it keeps their coat clean. Make sure its chinchilla SAND and not dust. You can buy expensive ceramic "houses" for chinchilla baths, but I bought a cat size water bowl and put the sand in it. It's big enough and my hammie loves it!


    the guy above me said "When it has used up most of its energy during the day, it would have non left at night to bite its cage."

    Hamsters are nocturnal. They sleep during the day and are awake and active at night. You might want to try moving the cage in another room at night so your hammie won't wake you.

  3. Try designing your own tunnel made of the cardboard in toilet paper rolls.

  4. another hamster for company, they usually like it better.

  5. if it is a dwarf hammy get another! they live longer happier and healthier lives in groups

    but if its a syrian don't get another the one that is already in you house may kill any newcomers

  6. my hamster has the same problem usually it means she wants to get out of her cage and run around so thats what i do so she wont bite on the wires at night just plenty of ecxercise and i think what you have is great but he might want some chew sticks im not sure if you already those though :)

  7. I have a hamster also, and she always chews her cage too. I have tried chew toys and they sort of work you might wanna try that..maybe some wood ones or just treats it can just depend on the hamster and what it prefers I have tried everything with mine and I have had her for about 4 months and she hasn't stopped chewing on the cage. You will get use to it after a while

  8. Chew toys.  Most hamsters chew to keep their teeth the right size.  Hamster teeth are continuously growing.  Also, a toilet paper roll as a tunnel, and some kind of hamster house.

  9. biting the cage doors means boredom. You seem to have a fantastic cage already but try putting in a few tunnels and some fruit sticks. this should stop the problem.

    If its a russian dwarf hamster get another one but if its a syrian introduce new toys. never keep two syrian hamsters together. Also hide treats around the cage and watch your hamster try and find them its entertaining for the hamster and youself.

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