
What else can a delayed period mean?

by  |  earlier

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my husband and i are TTC. i am about 2 weeks late (very odd for me), i took a pregnancy test and it came out negative.

what other reasons could there be for a delay in your period??




  1. stress.  

  2. While TTC, stress is a BIG factor in a missed or delayed period.  I would make an appointment with your GYN just to make sure all is ok though.  Good luck & I really hope that you get that BFP soon :)

  3. anticipation.

    sometimes women are just late once in a great while, it happens, even if the woman is usually very regular. losing too much weight, obviously, but you would know that was why i'm sure. some health problems but i would say its more likely that you are a)pregnant or b)late due to stress or anticipation from TTC.

    good luck! i hope you are! <3

  4. Could be stress. A lot of stress can delay a period. I would make an appointment at a near-by clinic and have a blood test done. Some women don't have sufficient amounts of the pregnancy detecting horomone to 'set off' a home pregnancy test.

    *~Baby Dust~*

  5. You may be getting too stressed about trying to consieve...Period's stop with stress...

    Or maybe you might be pregnant but have taken the test too early...

    For a definate answer make an appt with your GP/Doctor...

    Good Luck...

  6. Stress.  Lots of stress.   My period was 2 weeks late once.  I didn't end up pregnant, sadly.  But yep, try not to stress so much about it.  It can also throw your cycles up, too.  Good luck!

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