
What else can hamster's eat besides regular hamster food, carrots, and lettuce?

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My hamster's are the shorthaired teddybear's.




  1. Dont' give your hammie too much lettuce since it can cause diarreah.  Try dry cereal (none with sugar), plain doggie biscuits, apples, sunflower seeds, pinenuts, cucumbers, bread soaked in a little milk, yogurt, bugs (yep, mealworms or crickets if you are up to it!), cottage cheese :)

  2. strawberry's, bananas, celery, yogurt(plain!!!), uncooked oatmeal, yogurt treats from a pet store, chew sticks, apples, thats about all i got., this is wut i feed my hamster :)

  3. They can eat chicken. No fer reals. It has to be well cooked and unseasoned. Remember not to put anything thing in it, salt,seasoning,oil. Look it up, but they cant have too much chicken either, just like rip a lil peice of it. Its high in protien

  4. The best food for hamsters is only the commercial hamster feed mix available in the pet shops. Hamsters need variety in their diet and the best way to do it is to get the commercial hamster feed that contains all the vitamins and minerals that your hamster requires. Give him the commercial feed and you are sure to have a healthy hamster for a long time.

    You can feed him treats occassionally.However, the commercial hamster mix should account for 80% of the hamster daily diet and only 20% should come from treats.

    Also remember any treat you give him should be unsalted, without sugar and without flavour. Visit the following link for a list of foods you can and not give a hamster. Take a printout and put in on a board for easy reference.

    Some healthy treats for hamsters are -


    Skimmed Milk

    Bits of cheese

    Bits of hard boiled egg

    Bran flakes


  5. egg  cheese spinach raw peanuts (in the shell)

  6. They can have fresh fruits and veggies. I wouldnt give too much lettuce it can give them diarrhea. The darker the lettuce the healthier for them. Don't give any fruits with seeds. It's ok to give them apple but don't give them the seeds or the core.

  7. Hi!

    The first you should know about hamsters is that they are very sensible to diet changes.

    You have to introduce every new food slowly, and by that I mean you should feed him with something new in small quantities for 2- 3 days and then repeat the process for another type of new food. If you notice that he has diarrhea you have to immediately stop giving him vegetables and fruits and do not give him the food that caused the diarrhea.

    The hamster's main food should consist of the -->mix that you can find in the local pet shops. This will assure his daily dose of vitamins and proteins. My hamsters eat only the seeds and avoid the vitamins so I have to be prepared with fresh vegetables and fruit every day.

    <-->Make sure to buy hamster/gerbil food and not rabbit food because it could be poisonous for your tiny hamster.

    If you have a dwarf hamster you will have to avoid food with sugar in it because these breed is susceptible to diabetes.

    Here is a short list of food items that should never be fed to hamsters, including short haired hamsters:

    - Almonds (possibly toxic/ Cyanic acid)

    - Apple Seeds

    - Buttercups (flower)

    - Candy/ Junk Foods

    - Canned foods and other processed foods

    - Chocolate (toxic)

    - Garlic (possibly toxic in some animals)

    - Onion (possibly toxic in some animals)

    - Peanut Butter (can get stuck in pouches)

    - Pork

    - Potatoes (raw)

    - Sandwich meats (contain too much salt, high nitrates)

    As treats you could give them:



    -breakfast cereals- except the sweet ones


    -crackers but not salted

    -eggs- boiled




    -boiled chicken breast



    -dog biscuits- they are good for his teeth

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