
What else can i do to be pretty?

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at my new school every girl is completely stunning it's amazing how gorgeous all of them are

i really don't think guys think much of the way i look at my new school since most of them don't flirt with me

at my old school every guy wanted me so i guess this is a really different change i don't have to have every guy wanting me again but i would like to feel like I'm just as pretty as every other girl

got any ideas?

heres my pic




  1. you're prettyful

  2. Not much you're beautiful the way you are.

  3. Get plastic surgery  

  4. Not all of us are born looking like Jessica Beal.  Keep yourself clean and neat, be fresh faced, be friendly toward your friends.  Some of us grow up to be much better looking than we were in school.  Most importantly, concentrate on your schoolwork so you can grow up and find a good job to support yourself.  You will make many more friends throughout your life both pretty and pretty average looking like most of us are.  

  5. You're pretty

    You already know that

    Those girls probably put out or have established themselves at your new school

    dont feel like you need to change who you are for someone else's attention

    just be you

  6. You already are pretty! :)

  7. Please get some self-esteem girl the internet wont help....the big bad world miight.

  8. your soo pretty! Just becoz they don't flirt with you don't mean they don't like how u luk.. itz probably becoz they have a crush on you... :)

  9. Nope, your beautiful! lool be happy with the way you look. Your much more prettier than me!!!! lool xD Forget the boys! They probably scared you would reject them or something.  

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