
What else can i do with my mom ....

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my mom is a nice and good mom except for her bad habit where she's always borrowing money from loan shark, a few K each time. she cant manage to settle it by herself and it ended up each time we (her children whom are not so well off) need to pay it out, and we ourself are struggling. she's been working at home as babysitter but i just cant undersand why she likes to gamble. it has been for more than 20 years she's been doing it on and off. its really useless to scold her now coz i know it wont stop. she manage to escape it everytime before she get something awful (wallop from the loan shark) coz there always ppl like us end up paying for her. we cant be helpless as she's our mom. any suggestion and sincere method is very much appreciate. i already mention, talking to her and scolding is not helping at all.




  1. i think you should encourage her to get counselling about her gambling problem...anyone with an addiction needs help.

  2. Leave her alone....

    Once she has no one to pick her up when shes' down, or pay off her debt when she screwed up again, her eyes will slowly start to open...

    Your just making it easier for her to continue... so stop.

    Its called tough love... sometimes parents need it from their kids...

    Best of Luck and God Bless

  3. So stop paying her debts and let her drown a little. When she comes begging, just ignore her.

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