
What else can you do with used scratch paper?

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What else can you do with used scratch paper?




  1. I reuse all my scratch paper, newspaper, unused coupons, etc. by putting it through a paper shredder (it chops as well as shreds) - then I used the shredding as biodegradable and fuzzy-friendly ferret litter.  Those new "crystals" litters are not biodegradable.

  2. 1. Shred it and either donate it to a pet store for kittens to play in, make a pinata, etc.

    2. Recycle it. =)

    3. Reuse it if you can still write on it... my family does this all the time, we just use the other side of the paper.

    4. You could maybe make a craft out of it, or use it as a bookmark. lol

    Good for you, I applaud your wanting to conserve.

    All the best,


  3. Rip it up into small sections and put it in your compost bin.

  4. u can do anything with scatch paper like doole or make an elaborate picture. u can can do orgami or just and airplane!

  5. wipe. paper airplane. pinatas. shred and eat. burn it all!

  6. try this

    or this

    enjoy in saving our Mother!!

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