
What else can you say at the alter besides "Til death do you part?"?

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I don't want to use "For as long as you both shall live" either... Can you say something like, "Forever and ever" or, "And never shall we part"? Any suggestions? Or should I just stick with the traditional version?




  1. until we tire of each other or he cheats and get a divorce

  2. I went to a wedding where the bride and groom said, "...for as long as our love shall endure." It pretty much gave them an easy out!

    You could say:

    ...until you are separated by death.

    ...until death parts you.

    ...forever and always.

    ...until your time on earth is over.

    If you just don't like the references to death, I'd go with "forever and always" - "forever and ever" sounds like something a little kid would say.

  3. until god takes us home.

  4. Personally, I plan on changing the tradition to make it more special to my finance and I, I actually love the idea of Forever and ever, its something that fits us as a couple, its your day, and I think you should make it something special for the two of you! I would say talk to the officiant and let him/her know what your thinking, and you can make the changes, everything will go perfectly and it will personalized to you! Good Luck and HAVE FUN! Thats the most important, you wont be able to redo this day!

  5. for should talk to you officiant-the person marrying you two,they have probably had other couples ask them the same question.

  6. We defintely won't be having that in our ceremony.  On the other hand, the kids said I can't use 'until I find something better.' ;)  Their dad has been married several times before so the forever and ever is a tad stupid, dramatic and very teenager today.

  7. Were having "till we are parted by death"

  8. I like  "for all time"

  9. "for all our days"

  10. First, it is "altar".

    And second, why not: " for as long as we both shall love".

  11. "Until I get tired of you and take half of your stuff."  Or "until we surrender to statistics."  I like that one.

  12. If you are Christian (non-Mormon) then "forever" is not appropriate.  Christians believe marriage ends in death.  It is not an eternal state.  In the resurrection, Jesus says we will neither marry nor be given in marriage.  He says that a person's spouse in this life will be irrelevant then.

    It sounds like you don't like the traditional version because you don't want to talk about death.  I understand that, but death is just as much a stage of life as marriage.  It's important to acknowledge it.  Besides, if a spouse dies young, there is no reason for the other spouse not to remarry.  Marriage is truly only valid as long as you *both* are living.

    Best wishes!

  13. I choose you as the one with whom I will spend my life????

  14. I looked through a bunch and then spoke over the favorites with my fiance.  The one we ended up going with was "in all that life may bring us."  Some others I remembers hearing and liking are "through all the days of our life" and "As I give you my hand to take, so I give you my heart to keep."  I'll provide a link where I got a lot of my ideas from.

  15. Say what you want!  "Forever and ever," "For all time," "For eternity," "Until gas is less than $1/gallon," whatever speaks to you both.

  16. Forever and Ever.

    I know I hate 'Till Death do you part'.  I like to think that he will be with my forever. Even after death. I feel its more romantic that way. I am a hopeless romantic!

  17. do whatever makes you happy

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