
What else could cause Global Warming if not us?

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HOW about U.F.O.'S you know the ones that hover over live Volcano's for fuel, they may have this kind of technology. my thoughts are since they've taken people on board their ship for examination and found that man is to savage, why not annilate all life on earth for a alien invasion. NASA is having the Hubble Telescope track an object heading towards earth, I wonder if its an alien culture coming just in time to assume our planet, since we're being eradicated by this technology that does'nt have anything to do with us other than death. but one constellation, the object thats out in space is on a collision course with HALEY'S COMET built and launched over 50 years ago, before man had the technology to go to the moon. yet its on a collision course with the incoming object thats being watched from earth. just a HONEST THOUGHT.




  1. The increases in CO2 since the beginning of industrialization (200 years ago) are over populated land masses.  If it was coming from some non-earth source it would be evenly distributed over land and sea.

  2. Since the greatest amount of global warming occurred before mankind was even civilized (end of the last ice age) I don't think you can blame it on industrialization.

    But big light in sky is said to rise in the east.  It could be a factor.

  3. Genial thought! You should research it.

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