
What else could cause a late AF!?

by  |  earlier

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I have all the preg symptoms, but no luck getting a + HPT result. My last period was the last week of May first week of June ( i don't remember the exact date). I am not really stressed about anything (other then either getting AF or being pregnant) I wish one of them would happen soon. My husband and I TTC # 2. I am going to head to the Dr. next week, is there anyone out there that has taken this long to show a + on an HPT (could I still be pregnant?)




  1. You sound anxious...that could be causing unseen stresses.

  2. Hi Ya!  I hope that you're pregnant.  But if not, a few things that could cause a late period are: sickness, significant change in body weight, excessive stress (you may not realize, maybe a massage! :)  ) or any new medications. All of these things can affect your period.

    Also, how long have you been off birth control?  When I came off, my cycles were all over the place for a few months before going back to normal.

    On the +HPT, I've not had any experience as I'm still trying but my mother was pregnant with me for nearly 6 weeks before she could get a positive on either a HPT or a doctor's test.  Though, that was in 1980, so it might be different now but never stop hoping! :-D  

    Best wishes!

  3. My good friend didn't get her BFP until 2 weeks after her period was late, so that's perfectly normal (if a little annoying!) But the previous answer is very correct that stress can cause late AF. I wouldn't worry about it, and simply wait for the doctor's appointment. If you want to test daily, be sure to buy the Dollar Tree brand which is very effective and only $1 each test. Over time, it'll save you a fortune :) Good luck!

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