
What else could make a shower head leak after i changed the washers & resat the washer seat?

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What else could make a shower head leak after i changed the washers & resat the washer seat?




  1. its called teflon tape or thread seal tape. wrap it around the threads before installing the shower head. wrap it the same direction as you thread on the shower head. also try replacing the washer in the shower head itself

  2. If water is leaking, it is passing the tap washer, and seat.

    If the washer has been replaced and the unit still leaks, the seat must be damaged.

  3. When you put the shower head back on, did you wrap plenty of 'plummers tape' around the threads? Also, it takes a little time for the new washers to wear in, so that they can do they're job.

  4. mayby you have the tap on a litlle loose?

    that happened to me once!

  5. Hi there mate i agree with the bloke a few answers up. If the water is passing the seat and washer something has gone wrong . Pull the spindles back out again have a look at the seats and i normally also check them with my finger what you are looking for is ANY cuts in the seats which you probably know but what has tripped me up once was a neat little hole to the side of the seat. Also you can try using soft washers readily available at hardware shops just don't turn em off too hard or you will be forever changing the washers. Good luck mate.

  6. unscrew the showerhead and place plumbers tape around the thread, and s***w back on...let it set per the instructions on the packaging...that's probably all you need to fix it...

  7. Did you replace the seat or just reset it? Maybe you set it too tightly?

    I had the same issue. After replacing both the hot and cold seat and every friggin washer on the stem, the faucet still dripped. After a few weeks, the dripping stopped. I can only surmise that the washer had come to conform to the seat and made a better seal.

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