
What else could my brother have besides autisim?

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my little brother has had autisim since he was 18 months he was diagnosed when he was 2 then put in normal preschool when he was 3 he stayed in preschool until he was old enough for 1rst grade- he was quickly moved to special ed - now he is 10 and violent, and cannot talk (even though he could talk when he was 1 year old) and hes etting worse- and stronger. he also has develometal delay. the doctor said he wasent entirely shure that he has autisin -so what else could it be?




  1. It sounds like Autism to me.  My son is Autistic and the symptoms that you describe sound a lot like him.  Get a second opinion from another doctor and have them run some tests to make sure he has Autism. The sooner you find out the better for your little brother because they have programs and medications that can help him to function and be less prone to violence.

  2. Asperger's syndrome is a mild form of autism, and is not always readily diagnosed. The Wiki article may be worth a read, though.  

  3. It does sound like autism. I work with teenagers with low functioning autism. Some times the child will get worse. There are some of my students that i work with that used to talked while in preschool and elementary but lost the ability to talk in middle school. Some children with autism will have development delays. And at time they can be violent. Especially during a meltdown.

    I would recommend a book called 'Ten Things that every child with autism wants you to know'  by Ellen Notbohm ( and article about the books she has written.)

    I found it helpful when working with the students I have.

    Good luck with by brother. He is lucky to have such a loving and caring sister. I know Autism is hard on a family so try to work together with your parents.

  4. He may have a PDD-NOS- Pervasive Developmental Disability Not Otherwise Specified.

    This program may give you some insight about autism:

    TEACCH is an evidence-based service, training, and research program for individuals of all ages and skill levels with autism spectrum disorders.  Established in the early 1970s by Eric Schopler and colleagues, the TEACCH program has worked with thousands of individuals with autism spectrum disorders and their families.

    Also,  "A study by the University of California Davis Health System found that children with autism born in the 1990s were more likely to have gastrointestinal problems, including constipation, diarrhea and vomiting, than autistic children who were born in the early 1980s."

    Many parents put their children on a gluten-free/casein-free diet (no wheat/no dairy), with suprisingly good results.

    I tried the gfcf diet with my 2-year old grandaughter, who displays many of the same behaviors as your brother.  On the diet, her temper tantrums decreased & her language skills increased.  At worst, it wouldn't hurt your brother to be on the diet & at best, it may help him! great recipes!

    Good luck to you!

  5. I would answer pretty much the same as I did the last time you asked this question.

  6. Most of the symptoms you describe sound like autism. A lot of children with autism are non-verbal and have developmental delays. These two things can cause a lot of frustration and the only way he can communicate this sometimes is through violence.

  7. My son was diagnosed with autism when he was two, he gradually got more violent (injuring himself) and more withdrawn as time went on.

    I read a lot of books on it and decided the first thing to change was his diet, just getting him off of milk and other dairy products made all the difference. He started making eye contact and a longer attention span.

    he is in the 7th grade now but still has the occasional meltdown, he reads writes speaks, and communicates. no violence ever since removing dairy. But they are all different,  

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