
What else do I need for the baby?

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Here the list I have so far that I have for my baby that due in November. I won't be getting any baby shower or anything since this is my third baby,

Crib. Bassinet. Swing. Car seat. Playpen. 2 bath towels. 6 burp cloth's

2 pair no scratch baby mitts. Bottle Avent sterilizer. 16 wash cloth's

10 0-3 months onesis. 10 6 -9 months onesis. 1 container wipes and one refill. Lanolin cream for breast. some toys. nail clipper for baby. 80 newborn diapers 1 to 2 avent pacifier 0-3 months. 2 pack 4 avent nipples 3 months 6 months nursing pads re washable. 1 avent 4 oz disposable and 1 8 oz disposable liners and bottle. 5 9 ox avent bottles and 5 of 4 oz avent bottles just in case I need to pump or can't breastfeed.

I feel like I need more of something. I know I have a bedding set pick out and baby bath tub and play gym and Mobile for the crib has well.

What kind of monitor should I use. How many receiving blankets do I need to get. I know about clothes but got to wait for my second ultrasound to really confirm it a girl since the baby kept on moving with my first at 21 weeks. Is there anything I need. The baby is born winter time where I live. Thanks so much. Trying to bring memory up and so don't to get a whole lot.




  1. socks and hats and more diapers

  2. If you havent already get some cloth nappies- for extra (come in handy for mopping up spills etc).As to the baby monitor- there is a great one out where it monitors babies breathing as well as sounds. Its called the babysense II- how it works is it has 2 sensor pads that sit under your babies mattress, it also has the regular walkie talkie size monitors for the sounds . If you can get- it a little pricey but whats your baby worth to you? You can never be too SAFE.

  3. Make sure you have diaper rash ointment, just in case.  Receiving blankets are so nice to have, I would have approximately 6-10 on hand.

  4. I'd be prepared with more burp rags, you never know if you will need em.  I agree stock up on more diapers, incredible how many you go through especially if you are breastfeeding.  Do you have a breast pump in case you need to pump?  I have to say my life saver is my Baby Bjorn front carrier, we love it!  Do you need a stroller still?  We have a fisher price baby monitor that was around $30 and it works just fine.  We go through a lot of receiving blankets as well, we use them to play on the floor for tummy time, we use them under him on the changing table in case he spits up.  How about a boppy or a nursing pillow if you are breastfeeding?  Nursing bra's also...maybe have a can of formula on hand just in case you would need it.  Otherwise looks like you are pretty much set!  Best of luck to you!

  5. I didn't use an recieving blankets.

  6. A baby sling, extra burp rags, several receiving blankets (about 6-8), a few warmer blankets, baby wash/shampoo and bibs, bibs, bibs!

    I have also gotten a lot of use out of the Boppy pillow for nursing, sitting support for baby, laying baby on it under a play gym, and now she lays on it to hold her bottle.

    I have this monitor:

    I love it. The nightlight is really soft and the sound is great. It wasn't very expensive and I've been very happy with it.

    I'd also recommend getting a Miracle Blanket swaddler. It really saved us. My youngest was a really fussy baby and swaddling really helped.

  7.    Make sure you have a sleepers, and the swaddle blanquets are nice. Also baby bath and soap.

  8. i think you've got it all there honey! add some more diapers and mittens and booties. congrats on your little angel! im sure you are so excited! god bless!

  9. Sheets for your bassinet- at least 2 sets

    Blankets- About 6

    Receiving Blankets- They are thinner than regular Blankets

    More 0-3 month onesies- At least 5 more

    Socks- stock up on different sizes, as a babies foot grows rapidly

    At least 2 more Bath towels

    Diaper Rash Cream

    Thermometer-VERY important

    Diaper Bag

    Baby Body wash

    Baby Shampoo

    Baby Lotion


    Cotton Swabs

    Baby Bathtub


    More Diapers! Diapers goQUICK!



    Bottle warmer-Just incase

    Hope this helps!

  10. 5 recieving blankets and a heavier blanket to put over the car seat in the cold weather to and from the car.  Bibs for when they are a little older and you add solid foods to their diet.  

  11. Start stocking up on more diapers.  Work on getting the next sizes up just so you're ready.  Heavy blanket or one of those cozy things for the carseat for when they are outside.  Maybe a baby sling for hands free carrying.  

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