
What else do i need to know to become a vegan ?

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ok I'm a lacto vegetarian and i've been thinking to help our earth and our animals a little more and become vegan.So what do you need to know to become one ..

i already know diary is a no no ,

so is animal clothing


what else do i need to know?




  1. no milk or anything made from it, no eggs [or anything made from them], only foods and other products with no animal products or by-products such as leather, suede, wool, dairy, eggs -- those are out [there's a list down there on what to watch out for], only 'this product does not test nor does it support testing on animals' and all that good stuff.

    also, if oyu already don't, pleeeease consider your health. has a great guide called 'Guide to Cruelty Free Eating'. The best. It has everything you can thinkk of [health wise]

    that's what you were asking, right? good :]

  2. This list is awesome. I know it seems huge, but really you won't come across many of those things too often. And some of them are obvious- like... whale meat is not vegan. Uhh, duh?

  3. one of my sisters is a vegan and she won't eat honey cause it is made by bees!   She won't eat eggs!  She won't use cleaners or shampoo that were tested on animals!  She won't knowingly eat veggies that were grown with fertilizer made with animal manure!   There is a fertilizer that vegan gardeners use.. mushroom manure!  

  4. The Vegan Society, the Vegetarian Resource Group, and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, among others, recommend that vegans either consistently eat foods fortified with B-12 or take a daily or weekly B-12 supplement. Fortified breakfast cereals are a particularly valuable source of vitamin B-12 for vegetarians and vegans.

  5. You need B12 and D vitamins.

  6. I recently bought the book "Becoming Vegan" by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina. I read that it's a good book to read if you're considering or starting veganism as it gives you information to eat a healthy vegan diet. I'm only on chapter four, but what I've read so far including the parts I flipped through in the back seem to be very helpful. Here's a link to customer reviews of the book.

    One thing I'm concerned about in the book is the emphasis on soy. I've been hearing that it isn't so good for you. I'm doing more research on it though. Until then I'm gonna stay away from soy just in case.

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