
What else do i need to take - holiday list...?

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goggles, period stuff, all clothes items + shoes, toiletries, dressing gown, glasses, spare + contacts, tissues, tablets, make up + make up remover, accessories + jewlerry, tweezers, tights, watches, alarm clock, straighteners, hair electrical equipment, hair dryer, nail varnish + remover, tissues, books, magazines, hairbands, hair brush, razor, lady shaver, camera, sun cream, after sun, swim wear, headphones, phone, ipod, nintendo DS. passports, travel info, sunglasses, (COWY! - cuddly toy) , manicure set, chargers for electrical appliances, mirror, deodorant, binoculars, moisturiser. please if theres anything else please say, even if its not that important




  1. I never ever ever pack anything of importance like electrical (your DS) and valueable (like your jewelry) in my suitcase.  They ALWAYS go in my carry on.  

    You said contacts.  Do not forget cleaner.  

    I am not sure where you are going, but personally I think you are over packing.  How long are you staying?  Where are you staying?  You needed to add a bit more to the question.  I mean if you are going somewhere like Florida, then leave off all the extra like shampoos and bring just a couple female products.  You can buy quick essentials for pretty cheap no matter what your destination.  A lot of hotels even supply them for free!!  

    Most places I have ever stayed at had a clock, not to mention we use our cell phones as alarm clocks now.  How about a pwer converter?  

    I am not sure if your cell phone will work where ever you are going.  It costs me a TON of money when we fly to the states.  Do not forget chargers for your DS and phone.  Depending on where you go, it may be cheaper to just turn off the phone and check email from the hotel.  Make sure you sign out after use and when you get home change passwords.  Have family/friends email you with what ever.  

    Leave the phone number of the hotel with a close family friend incase the inevitable might happen.  (It won't!)

    A dressing gown?  Are you traveling with friends or family?   I rarely need a dressing gown when traveling.  I can find more things to fill that big space in my suitcase.

    And if you DO take my advice and buy shampoos and such on vacation, leave them!!  Do not be a pack rat!!

    Just food for thought....we went to the states and coming back had to pay £86 for overweight baggage.  So the less you go with...the more you can come home with!

    Clothes, only bring a couple of changes of clothes!  I am sure wherever you are going you can find washers and dryers.  Some hotels offer it as a service though I find doing it myself is cheaper.

    Travelers checks?

    I can always edit and add if you have any more questions!

    Be safe and have fun!

    Edit- I see a cruise ship.  Then def bring your own shampoos and stuff.  They are expensive onboard!

  2. Money to pay the excess baggage charges. I dont think you have missed anything.

  3. condoms, you never know.

  4. Well, I guess you have everything pretty well covered...though, why take ''period stuff''? Why not see your doctor just before you go....he can prescribe some medication that will delay your period till after your holiday!! ( Why let a period ruin your holiday?), and, remember, rather than pack all those them on board!!! It saves room in your suitcase, and saves on weight too. Just take enough for your first day/night, and then buy the rest later.

  5. Where are you going?  A weekend in Clacton?

    Ah, I see you are going on a cruise - they supply you with most things and you can always get things on board. Make sure you have any medicines if you are taking them, and copy of your prescription for your glasses. Other things like ST's if you are needing them during the trip and extra hi-sun protection as sun can be quite fierce at sea. Plenty of bodice ripping (or whatever you prefer) reading material - there may be a library but you should stock up. Maybe a guide book or two if you are planning getting off anywhere. Cash and cards, change up euro's before you go (Try Marks & Sparks).

  6. Bloody h**l, how long are you going for ? lol

    What about sweets to eat on the journey

  7. Adapters if you need them. Prescribed medicines and stuff for headaches etc. Camera batteries, cards etc. You pack way too much - you'd never make a backpacker! Lol have a great holiday and I dont think you've forgotten anything.

  8. Remember to take spare batteries for your camera, they use power up really quickly. Have fun on holiday!

  9. you forgot the kitchen sink,but with that lot you'll probably sink the ship.Have a great time.

  10. adapters? & why would you need tissues?

    The hotel should supply these.

  11. well vix.. that man is right u need condom u never know what might happend?

  12. might seem daft but pack a cheap shower/bath mat, without one showers abroad are lethal if you slip.

    pick one up in a pound shop

  13. I think you have everything covered.

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