
What else does a pet bunny eat beside bunny food from a bag?

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i have a black bunny named midnight and i dont want my dad to spend all his money at the store buying him food. I was woundering if a bunny can eat like other stuff but carrots and lettues. have any ideas. and i dont want to make my bunny sick.





  1. Have plenty of timothy hay available at all times (its cheap at walmart)

    Foods ok for a rabbit:

    Romaine lettuce only, NO iceburg.

    Collard Greens- grocery store .59/lb

    Spinach Greens-grocery store .69/lb

    Parsley- grocery store  .49/lb

    Mustard Greens- grocery store  .59/lb

    Most fruits are ok, but try to stay away from citrus, and strawberries (fruits with a lot of seeds can cause digestive problems)

    Try not to give him too many carrots, as they have little nutrients for him. Those greens are found in the produce section of the grocery store, and are very inexpensive. If kept in the fridge, in a plastic container or veggie bag, they will keep quite a while.  Change his food EVERY DAY. And change what you feed him overy 2 days or so. That will help prevent stomach problems. Sometimes, you can get low-priced animal food at walmart or target.

    Good luck!

  2. If your dad dosen't have enough money for the food maybe it would be best for the bunny if you gave it away. Sorry.

  3. I use to have a bunny and yes he can eat lettice and carrots...that's what i would feed my bunny all the time but you may want to give him bunny food once in a while. i think that bunnies can eat about any kind of vegetable like carrots, celery, lettice etc. they can also eat grass or hay.

    check out  this website i think you will find the answer to your question.

  4. Buying rabbit food for one rabbit isn't all that expensive.  A 50 pound bag of rabbit food runs about $12.  A rabbit eats about 4-6 ounces of food a day.  There are 16 ounces in a pound.  If your rabbit is a small breed it should get 4 ounces a day.  If your rabbit is a large breed it should get about 6 ounces a day.  So if you have a large breed, that bag would last about 133 days.  If you have a small breed it would last about 200 days.  That means your rabbit should cost about $0.06 to $0.09 a day to feed.  If your dad can't afford that, then he is way way way too tight on money.  The carrots and lettuces would actually cost more than the rabbit food would.

    The other problem is that carrots, lettuce, and greens can give your rabbit diarrhea, make it fat, and cause other problems.  A vet bill from causing something like diarrhea will cost way more than feeding your rabbit properly with rabbit pellets and hay.  Stick to the hay and pellets.


    Try that website and see if you find anything out. :)

  6. u cannot feed it veggies regularly because that would give it indegestion (veggies are treats)

    u can buy timothy hay for the bunny

  7. My bunny likes... regular bunny food, timothy hay, alfalfa, carrots, lettuce, celerie (loves celerie, sorry don't know how to spell it though).

    Mine likes a little bit of pretty much any green leafy veggie. Whatever you give it extra, don't give it regularly, they need to know it's a treat and for every day they have their bunny food. But truthfully, if you can't afford to buy food for it you really shouldn't keep it. A bunny can't live day to day on scraps of lettuce. Save up your allowance or babysit or something to get money to buy it food if you don't want to bug your dad.

  8. You can feed them hay, grass clippings, carrots, lettuce (not iceburg lettuce cuz it's 2 hard for them to digest), bird seed, sunflowers, and many other things. The rabbit feed is probably the most nutritional for them to live on though.

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