
What else does comp. pay for besides something damaging your car?

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If a deer or other animal hits your car and a passenger got hurt does comp. cover that?




  1. No, comp only covers the damage to your car.  If the passenger gets hurt, they can put a claim in under medical payments or PIP coverage, depending on what state you're in.  If you have no med pay or pip, they have to use their health insurance, or pay out of pocket.

    Can't sue the deer.

  2. The only thing that I can see that other folks answering have left out of Comp payments is vandalism.

  3. Comprehensive coverage covers the physical damage to your insured vehicle for fire, theft, collision with an animal, falling objects, flood, broken glass. It does not cover bodily injury to a passenger.

    In order for an auto policy to pay for bodily injury, the insured must have been negligent. The insured is not considered negligent in a collision with an animal.

    If the insured carrys Medical Payments coverage, it would cover medical bills of the injured passenger up to the per-person limits in the policy.

  4. yeah, comprehensive coverage can cover the physical damage to your vehicles. with that it also depends on the insurance companies policy.

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