
What else is Al "my pockets are getting fatter along with my butt" Gore going to link to global warming?

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The all knowing Al Gore who has given us no ideas except for predicting we're all doomed, has linked the cyclone with global warming. What else can he tie to global warming...hmmmm.

extinction of dinosaurs?

the last ice age?

war in Iraq?

Big Bang Theory?

Any others???

Other than doom anbd gloom what practical, doable ideas has he suggested? Besides NOT giving up flying around in corporate jets, living in huge mansions, staying at expensive hotels, and producing DVDs which last time I checked were plastic and weren't so good for the environment.

Do you all see what is going on? Gore gets rich, the government gets to control more of your life based on phony science. The ONLY thing that will stop global warming and reverse it, is to HALT all human prgress and destroy the world economy.

Driving a prius will do nothing. Recycling will do nothing. Changing light bulbs will do nothing. Exporting jobs to polluting china - nothing! Except suck more money out of your pockets.




  1. So what do you propose we do? It's easy to rant isn't it?

  2. He's going to link Cylons with global warming.

  3. That's what their goal is: to control more and more of our lives and to take more personal freedoms from people. Kids and young people coming up now have been pretty much brainwashed into believing that the government should do all of their thinking for them because they've been doing it for so long by regulating more and more areas of our lives. That's how the socialists plan to move in, unprotested. Everyone thinks socialism is a great idea. Wait until they see the reality of it.

  4. Well, I don't know about recycling. That's pretty cheap. But I agree. As I have said many times before...pretty soon he'll be linking the holocaust, and cancer, and vampires to global warming, and I'm sure people will still believe what he says. It's ridiculous.

  5. Dunno, but given how much he eats, I'm waiting for someone to calculate his carbon @ss-print.

    Incidentally - there are very good reasons for recycling, conservation, and pursuing alternative energy sources- none of which have anything to do with global warming.

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