
What else is there to do when I sneak out?

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ok I snuck out of my house the a few times last week and we already did the basics tping and drinking smirnoff. I live in a quiet town just outside of Modesto,Ca full of old retired people. what is something fun and quiet we can do without getting caught. cuz that is what happened the first 2 times.... please I go out tommorow night and need idea's!




  1. Put tape across the road and hide in the dark.  When a car drives by they get the tape stuck in the car and think they ran over something worse.

  2. Nick-Knocking - When you do this to old people, it takes them longer to get to the door, so youve got enough time to hide. Dont bother with doors with those little peep-holes. All old people look through them before opening the door, and its no fun if they dont actully open it.

    Go to a 24-hour maccas, and order a burger. They NEVER look like how they advertise them, so when they slide it over the counter, open the box and be like

    'Uhm...No...up there (points to poster) the cheese comes BEFORE the tomato. And whats this? Is...Is this supposed to be bacon? What the h**l is the bacon doing ALLL the way up there on the bread, when its supposed to be right on top of the cheese, to melt it all. The bun on thast poster looks shiny. Mine isnt shiny. This is false advertising. This isnt right. I DEMAND a refund!"

    If theyre like 'Ok...uhm, we'll see what we can do..." and re-makes the burger, when you recieve i back, be like

    "*makes buzzer noise* RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Theres WAY too much lettuce in this one. Come on! What do I have to do to get some decent serive around here! You know what? You can shove that burger up your fat *** - IM GOING TO BURGER KING!'

    And storm out.

    Uhm....what else...

    Ooooh, you can get rolls of toilet paper and decorate trees :]

    I did that at a school one time with my friends. It was on the holidays and we went to safeway and bought some cheap rolls of toilet paper, then went to a random school and its REALLY fun if you throw them up in the air when its windy. Its really pretty. We did this in the daytime, so it was easier to do. I wouldnt go to a school at nighttime, cause there could be creeps around...

    Get some food and a blanket and sit on the roof. Just be very careful, cause rooftiles can be loose. If you stand on a loose one, you can fall pretty easily, which isnt very...sneaky. :]

    Have fun, stay safe and dont get caught!


  3. the best thing to do when you sneak out of the house is go to a graveyard. the second best thing to do when you sneak out of the house at night is go to Denny's. doing other things will just get you in to trouble. graveyard picnic with friends, so much fun.  

  4. how about get a life and leave that retarded childs play alone?

  5. Cause mischief.

  6. Pray you don't get kidnapped, raped, and murdered by that one crazy retiree who likes school girls.  Seriously, that is not safe.  Crazy people live even in small quiet towns.

  7. Steal elderly people.

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