In the last 48 hours, my parents sent 3 of my four cats, so now we only have one.
Since we had 5 in total, there was a terrible infestation of fleas. After having a really rude homecoming from Aussies, like literally a swarm of fleas, the next day I figured we had enought of the problem. So I went to the store and and bought a toxic carpet solution.
I applied the carpet solution to our infested sofa and the worst of the worst my room, since the cats all loved sleeping in there. I removed it after said time.
Only to find fleas again. I went to sleep with the toxic coctail on my bedroom floor, and yes found another surprise: more fleas.
So in the last 48 hours, we went to go buy the diatomaceous earth and put it on ALMOST every floor of the house. At 20 hours after application my mother decided she had enough of the mess and vacuumed most of it from her bedroom.
At 28 hours, I vacuumed everything else. So today, what do I find?
Fleas again. Please tell me what I sbould do.
*Incident: someone left the windows open and ironically enough, they crept back in without the cat's presence.