
What else should I do to advance this site?

by  |  earlier

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My product sells in general but the website isn't bringing me the sales I thought it would. has been published / hosted for about eight months, It's registered with the major search engines, it's been crawled a bunch of times, it's been optimized to get attention, I've purchased google ad space and run it for months, it's got a Paypal shopping cart, it gets traffic... but no conversions to sales.

I know it's amateurish - because I am an amature but is it that I don't have "hackersafe", "Trustee" "BBB" logos on it?

What else should I do?




  1. While it's good to have earned the right to have all of those logos on your site, they aren't what sells product.

    Your site is disorganized.The page size should be kept to 640x480 to keep people from having to scroll to the bottom. If it doesn't fit put it on another page.

    Put a little pizazz on your page.your tring to sell pearls. I think of lille native girls diving off of canoes in the south Pacific. Consider an image of that sort for your background image.Lots of little things can be done to spruce it up.

    You are also tring to interest people in franchises. Keep that separated from your sales section. Don't say you are sorry for not having it in a particlular format. That was the first thing that opened up on my browser.

    you might consider optimizing you images for faster loading.

    Possibly pearl navigation buttons and trim. A nice header image?

    Look at you competition's website. if you see one that you like, right clik it and view the source code for ideas. I'm not saying to copy their site, because that's illegal. but it can give an idea on how to lay things out.

    Lots' of tempates are available for free or low cost.Remember that you get what you pay for.

  2. Your site does not appear to have been optimised as far as I can see.

    Your home page is the most important page for visitors. Lack of imagery (apart from a very dated picture) doesnt attract much attention.

    Unfortunatly because your site looks plain, users are unlikely to shell out the sort of money you are asking for your products. Just because you are unexperienced, doesnt mean you can make a good looking site.

    On certain pages, your links dont work. A user would just leave your site if it doesnt work how they would expect.

    You need to optimise your page titles for the search engines and get your keyword density on your page to what it should be.

    There are only 2 incoming links from other sites to your site (that yahoo has picked up). You need to get lots more.

    Hope this has been helpful to you.

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