
What embarrassing thing have you done in public without realising it?

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What embarrassing thing have you done in public without realising it?




  1. i was makin a face at my bro bu didtn notice that the guy behind him was lookin...i then noticed and saw the guy giev me a realli dirty look :$

  2. probably going swimming when my boob fell out of my bikini and a stranger coming up to tell me

  3. When i was getting out of a public restroom fixing my skirt outside of it in a rather usually crowded park.I was so concentrated that it didn't feel comfortable on me and that a portion of it was stuck up in the panties,and i really had to fix it,that i had no idea that folks were staring at me like they were watching a cinema film scene. I was THAT focused on what i was doing THAT was EMBARRASSING.

  4. if you didnt realise it how can you know you done it, but if you didnt realise at the time untill some one mentioned it then, probs had a sanitry towel stuck to my bag while walking through the town


  5. Thanking the cash point when i went and got some money out, when there was people behind me.

    It wasn't until i walked away that i realised i had said thank you when i took the money.

  6. peed in a parking lot when I was EXTREMELY drunk..5th of SoCo..ewww...never drink that c**p again

  7. I often hear people say hi so i say hi to them without realizing that they dint say hi to me

  8. i dont no if i didnt realise haha

    probaly alot of things.

    sarah xx

  9. Having pooed in a public toilet, leaving the cubical and realising that I'd gone to the ladies.

  10. Walking around with my underwear on show.

  11. I once went to the shop over the road and someone said to me you have a piece of toilet paper on ure shoe, sure enough I had a trail of loo roll about 50 cm in length following me, lol.

  12. i was taking the train home one day, and got off at my stop...i had been having a bad day so my mind was preoccupied and i didnt realise i was walking the wrong way up the platform looking for the was lucky i realised before i fell off the end onto the course everyone on the train saw it and were laughing...story of my

  13. Travelling all the way home without realising my work security pass with full name and awful photo was still clipped on to my trousers.

  14. well if i didn't realise then i don't know!


  15. I had sat in something and there was stain on my butt.

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