
What emotions do you feel when reminded about JFK,MLK and RFK?

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I can't help but get a little emotinal thinking about these great men who were taken from us. The memorials today in honor of RFK bring back a flood of emotions as these tragic memories are replayed today. RIP.




  1. I feel the same, and add Anwar Sadat to the list.

  2. I wasn't alive when these three great men were assassinated for trying to make the world a better, more tolerant place, but the anniversaries of their deaths always give me pause to think about how many people have sacrificed their lives to try to change the world, and how their visionary ideas about a possible future of love and acceptance for all mankind led to their demise at the hands of sick, hate-filled assassins.  It also scares me, because you never know when it will happen again, or to whom.  We recently lost Benazir Bhutto under similar circumstances in Pakistan.  I believe that the people who listen to and accept the messages that JFK, RFK, and MLK tried to convey outnumber the people who live their lives beased on prejudice, hate, and revenge, but I'm afraid the threat of being killed for your beliefs will never truly be abolished.

  3. To tell you the truth I could care less. Since I wasn't around back then. My dad was when he was little. But, I saw the video of JFK's murder, and it was a horrific death, because you could see the bullet hit him.

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