
What empire did Paris Belong to??

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What empire did Paris Belong to??




  1. Paris has at various times been part of various Empires.

    In ancient times Paris became part of the Roman Empire and its successors in the west the Merovingian Empire (Austrasia) and eventually what was formally called the Holy Roman Empire and more commonly referred to as Charlemagne's Empire

    Thru much of the middle ages, the history of France was dominated by its struggle to acheive control over all its territory. it principle opponent, England succeeded, in the 15th century in capturing and holding Paris. Although England was a kingdom at this time (it became an empire in name only in the 19th century) it was effectively an Empire.

    France under the various its kings grew to possess many overseas colonies and settlements. It was effectively an empire although rarely referred to as such.

    After the Revolution and the ascendency of Napoleon, France became officially an Empire. With Napoleoon's defeat it reverted to a monarchy. It returned briefly to being an empire with Napoleon's escape from exile on Elba and then, with his defeat at Waterloo back to a Kingdom.

    Napoleon I's nephew, Napoleon III, re-established the Empire in 1852. this collapsed in 1870 with France's defeat in the Franco-Prussian War.

    While it is true that Paris was occupied by the German Empire (the Third Reich) in World War II it was never oncorporated into the German Reich but was merely an occupied territory.

  2. 2000 years ago: Roman Empire (Paris's name was Lutetia)

    200 years ago: Napoleon I

    60 years ago: III Reich, Hitler

  3. The roman one wasn't it?

    but I'm not very educated so maybe I'll be learning something here too.

  4. The Hilton Empire...

  5. I can recall at least two, and maybe even three "empires" Paris belonged to over the centuries.  Pooped_over's got one of them right, and then the Napoleanic "empire" was a second one, and if  you include the Third Reich of Adolf Hitler, it was once a part of that empire too, if even for a very short period of time.  There may be more, but those are the only ones that come to mind now.  God Bless you.

  6. what you mean the Paris with the Eifel tower and the Obolisk they conned from Egypt, or the Paris 39.5-24-36

  7. roman and  Franco  empires

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