
What encouraging lesson (or sad) has life taught you?

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I want as much wisdom from you as I can get...b/c sometimes I feel so down & lost I'd just like some good old guidance from my fellow human beings.





  1. My most lesson, which I can't undo, is to marry my first boyfriend I ever had. That's a bad NO NO!

  2. I have found that life is supposed to be hard and confusing and that things are supposed to go wrong.  Its comforting to know that all i have is the classic case of life.  I figure if I can make it through tough times now, maybe it'll pay off and when i get my break, it will feel well-earned.  All i can tell u is to hold on you're not alone, and get a twisted sense of humor. good luck lol.

  3. I learned a lesson 2 years ago you never realize how truly wonderful someone is until they aren't around. I have had hard time since my older sister moved to NYC and I live at home in Texas still I miss her so much and barely get to see her. There is so much that she has taught me and a part of me feels incomplete sometimes because she isn't here. I am getting sad writing this now...

  4. That friends come and go. People come and go. No one knows about tomorrow, hence, just enjoy ur friendships for what they are *today*. I have now learned to not attach myself too much. Love people, but don't become dependent.

    That no matter how bad u r feeling today, it is going to pass, it is going to get better. So just hang in there. Tomorrow, is a new day, sunshine, flowers, greenery, shimmering water, birds chirping.. look around... and when u really pay attention to'll realize that all's really well, and it's a beautiful earth, and a beautiful life.

    U can never go wrong, if you have given it your best shot in the nicest way. Even if the results were not what u wanted. But still, when u look back, you will still feel proud of yourself that you did your best and were a great person who handled that situation superbly. I have learned that we shouldn't "collect" regrets. And for this, your awareness is everyday situations and with people is important. Always be ur best, kindest self. Even in challenging situations. It's a skill that's totally worth it to learn.

    Reach out. There is help available. There's resources available. Never be afraid to reach out. Never feel alone.

    Self-respect is important. Especially for a woman. If u keep ur self-respect, dignity, and character....things will be smoother, noble, and most respectful in ur life.

  5. I wish I had listened to my counselors in high school and realized my parents really were more concerned with my welfare than keeping me in a prison.

    When I was 21, I had a chance to learn the greatest summation of wisdom in the world and it took me 21 years to find my way back. That time was lost opportunity. Do not make the same mistake.

  6. Life is for us to live. We should learn, be happy and many many things more. Haven't you noticed your life is sometimes divided into segments?

    I have. And I try to get the best out of every segment.

    For example, maybe I had a girlfriend in the past, but she dumped me. I shouldn't care about the feelings I had after the dump, but the nice feelings before it. See? I took the best out of a part of my life.

    That's a lesson I have learned thinking about my life and others'.

  7. Some lessons I've learned in life:

    The most empowering thing you can do for yourself is take control of your own life - instead of being influenced by external factors and living your life like a leaf blowing in the wind, instead firmly root yourself and say this is who I am, this is what I want in life - then, go out and make it for yourself, be responsible as you go along, and be accountable for your actions.

    Regret is painful - it's the "what if" syndrome.  What if that never happened to me?  What if I had only gone ahead and did that?  Lamenting over such questions about the past is like a dull pain that takes you away from the present moment.  To avoid regret, I'd say just live your life in the moment - and that means being fully engaged without any fear (then, your actions will come naturally with no hesitation).  Use your head for the small decisions, and your heart for the big decisions.

    Have goals in life - something to aim for and to work towards.  It gives you direction and purpose.  Write your goals down in all areas of your life and review them often, and assess your progress.  Once you accomplish your goal, make a new one and keep continuing in this way and you will achieve success.

    Learn to master your emotions.  Lots of people let their emotions control them and they usually end up doing things they regret because they acted out of emotion.  Emotions are your internal guidance system (like when you pick up vibes for a situation, or a new person you've just met).  Listen to your emotions (feel them) and allow them to give you guidance, but don't let them overtake you  - stay in control.

    Keep hope alive.  As difficult as life may seem at times, always have hope for the future because miracles and great things can happen.

    Learn to forgive yourself.  This means not beating yourself up for mistakes you may have made in the past.  Life is a journey, and it's not always an easy ride - there will be obstacles along the way.  Accept that you might make mistakes or fall along the way.  Just pick yourself up, and have the resolve to keep moving forward.

    Learn appropriate boundaries in relationships.  Learn where to draw the line - some people allow themselves to be influenced and manipulated by other people.  You have to know who you are and decide for yourself what is appropriate behavior for each of your relationships - and, recognize when someone has trespassed your boundary (and also when you trespass someone else's boundary).  By having appropriate boundaries in your relationships and keeping constant vigil over them, you will never have it where you feel someone got the better of you.

    Be kind to animals.

    Drink water.

    Exercise your body - nothing feels as good as being physically fit.

    I believe in the philosophy of Kaizen - the notion that if you're not improving yourself, then you're dying.  Although I struggle at times, I want to continually improve myself and invest in myself.  With each passing year, I would like to see that I am better than the year before and have grown as a person.

    A university education is good and useful in society.  But don't make the mistake of thinking it's the end all and be all.  The real education starts once you're out of school - the school of Life.

    Make yourself happy.

    If ever in doubt, look within yourself for the answers.

  8. I agree with you..

    I guess the best thing that i've learned is to just let it be. Yeah, life can get ya down, and sometimes life is pretty crappy but, it will be better, and it is all for a reason. I believe in Karma, and Fate and Destiny. Whatever happens, happens for a reason, maybe it teaches you a lesson, or is preparing you for something that will happen later on in your life, but nothing that happens, not the smallest thing happens for no reason. Hope I helped and Good Luck!

  9. I agree....fate has a way of showing us where we should be headed.  I know also that you sometimes need to do what feels like the right thing to close your ears to what others say.  If your heart is set on doing it...later you won't have the "wish I had" feelings or the "if only I had tried" thoughts.  I started my own business despite others trying to talk me out of it....I'm by no means wealthy..but I can say I did what my heart told me to and have no regrets....and those who tried to talk me out of having my business were impressed when they saw how well things turned out and now are asking what I plan to do next!  Life is too short to spend time depressed....use that time and be creative...become a child again and use your imagination...dream of things you'd like to do and point yourself in the direction that would make the dream become can be done!

  10. Oh boy, I'm feeling the same way right now. So there's a lesson right there - you're not alone - many others are feeling that too. Mainly I've learned that no matter how crappy things are, you just have to put one foot in front of the other and just breathe because things always change and you can be happy again eventually. Even when you're in the middle of the worst sh*t ever and think you can't possibly go on, just get through it the best you can because things will get better.

  11. Most women have. altereier motives, and cannot be trusted . there is always something they will lie about.

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