
What endangered species do you know?

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What endangered species do you know?




  1. Sea Turtles


    silver back gorillas



  2. I live in Alaska and we have problems with Polar Bears and Beluga whales.  They are considered "endangered species"

  3. white tiger,indian rhinocerus,cheethal,crocodile,blue whale,etc also refer

  4. bengal tiger, bald eagle, polar bear, scop owl,

  5. I think I know a Virgin    ; /

  6. People that can afford GAS!

  7. ivory billed woodpecker

  8. Humpback whales like Delta and Dawn..Hope the fire boats get them moving in the right direction, down the delta and out the Golden Gate to the open ocean.

  9. black footed ferret

  10. Polar Bears :  Canada's polar bears will be extinct within 25 years as global warming shrinks the ice cover on which they depend for feeding and giving birth.  The Arctic ice cap is shrinking by eight per cent a year, and polar bears are already showing signs of severe stress In the past, polar bears typically gave birth to triplets, but now they usually have just one cub.Time to weaning has risen to 18 months from 12, while the average weight has declined 15 per cent.

  11. Way to many to post here Go to this web site and take a look around you will be amazed!!!

    These species are listed in the U.S.

    Vertebrate Animals

       Invertebrate Animals

       Non-Flowering Plants   Flowering


    Mammals    Clams    Conifers & Cycads    Flowering Plants  

    Birds    Snails    Ferns & Fern Allies      

    Reptiles    Insects    Lichens      

    Amphibians    Arachnids            



    Above is how things are listed. Please keep in mind this is just in the USA !!!

  12. I am beginning to think that people with common sense are the most endangered species, especially on Answers.

  13. woodland cariobu, plymouth redbelly turtle...

    Just google "endangered species list" and you will get lots

  14. find lookin' young babes who want me!

  15. Humans if we get a nuclear War ,

    if not Climate change will dry us out.

    Wont bother mentioning all the animals , the people above have already done that

    here is some more data to cheer you up.

    because pretty soon i will be almost everybody .

    And Plants are also disapearing.

    Of the earth's estimated 10 million species, 300,000 have vanished in the past 50 years. each years, 3,000 to 30,000 species become extinct.

    A lot of human activity is speeding that up since we tend to overpower all the other species in one way or another.

    Some reasons why animals are being wiped out ,in the forrests are:

    The hunting of exotic species for the consumer market

    only about 10% of the animals caught survive

    The hunting of animals for food by settlers

    Forrest fires ,that have started because of slash and burning of forrest ,to clear the land for farming, had gotten out of control

    The loss of Habitat because the conditions have changed ,e.g less humidity because of surrounding farmlands ,or overpumping of rivers for human use(farming and utility)

    Because of contamination of the waters ,

    Expanding populations and expanding farming ,that has to keep pace with the expanding populations are very strong forces that encroach upon the rainforest's

    clearing them for farming and settlement areas .

    In Mexico is a famous jungle that the Media has been trying to save for years

    the Naturists ,and the government ,keep watch .laws are made for protection the wild and to forbid logging.

    TV put out a series of documentaries

    there are campaigns in the News papers

    and all of this has not made the slightest difference

    Rainforest's always are in third world countries and always in third world countries corruption and the need for money s highest

    The jungle gets smaller by the day

    more and more farmers move in .and burn the trees

    It is an impossible situation

    as long as there is poverty in these regions the destruction will continue

    And the Animals will continue to be trapped ,as long as people keep buying the exotic animals


    And now many animals are becoming sick because of changes in temperature ,

    vital links in the food chains are disapearing affecting other species further along in the chain

    90% of the feral (wild) bee population in the United States has died out.

    Recent studies in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands have shown that bee diversity is down 80 percent in the sites researched, and that "bee species are declining or have become extinct in Britain." The studies also revealed that the numbers of wildflowers that depend on pollination have dropped by 70 percent.

    If bees continue to die off so would the crops they support and with that would ensue major economic disruption and possibly famine.

    Bees are not the only polinators but if these things are happening to bees we can bet on it that other insects are also in trouble ,on top of this many people are spraying for mosquitos ,with drastic effects .

    So much follows the insects in the food chains ,that we can expect a lot of very bad changes in the environment .

    Only time will tell what is in store for us ,and that time is running now .

    Everything is happening so fast it is not possible to monitor events any more Source(s) Lester E Brown is the director and founder of the global institute of Environment in the United states .he has compiled a report based on all the satalite information available from NASA,and all the information that has

    come from Universities and American embassies WORLD WIDE ,

    his little book--a planet under stress , Plan B has been trans lated into 50 languages and won the best book award in 2003

  16. What isn't  ?

  17. box turtles and honey bees

  18. pandas, buffalo, rhino, elephant, bald eagle, Bengal tiger, polar bears, manatees, seahorse, emu, northern spotted owl, grizzly bears and wolf

  19. The Loggerhead Sea Turtle is an endangered species. The Loggerhead Sea Turtle was once intensively hunted for their meat and eggs, along with their fat which was used in cosmetics and medication.

    They are found from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. They can also be found in the Atlantic. Some also found in Italy and Greek islands, and Turkey.

  20. Beluga Whale

  21. Abdominal Snowmen.

  22. The grizzly bears used to be an endangered species until they were taken off the list just this year!

  23. lung fish, philippine carabao, blue whales, gray whales, white rhino,

  24. panda,polar bear,bald eagle,king penguin.

  25. people who are eager to save this earth from extinction

  26. Well a few are the

    Whooping Crane

    Burrowing Owl

    are a few. A good list that is internationally reckonized is the CITES list.

    It is what all governments base their endangered lists on.

  27. Manatees, Hawksbill turtles, Sea horses.....

  28. snow leopard?


    some species of fish


    bald eagles


  29. Carb (fish).

    They leave at the bottom of lakes, streams,rivers, and sometimes oceans.

    There like the ants of the water.

    They clean up the bottom of all water habitats.


  31. the whale shark - recognized as the biggest fish in the world - is endangered.

    the bald eagle and the philippine eagle.

    the king penguin.

    several shark species

    the killer whale

    the polar bear

    walrus and seal species

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