
What energy Drink tastes CLOSE TO RED BULL?

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What energy Drink tastes CLOSE TO RED BULL?




  1. I LOVE REDBULL so this question is for me. None will tase exactly like Red Bull, and when you drink these you will tell a difference, but they are still good. I personally drink sugar free, so try the sugar free monster, its in a blue and black can. or, try the sugar free low carb rockstar. its in a blue can and the drink is pink. try to stay away from the white sugar free rockstar-it tastes like medicine. hope that helps.

  2. AMP i think

  3. Rockstar is pretty close.  They both have a sort of astringent, citrusy flavor, but rockstar also has kind of a bubblegum note too.

  4. Hmm i've never had Red Bull,

    but my favorite energy drink it Jolt :]

  5. I would say monster cuz I dont drink energy drinks.

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