
What energy drink has the highest level of caffeine/taurine/works the best that you can get in the UK?

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Also, can you get NOS in the UK? Because I had half a bottle of that in America and it kept me up until 8am :)




  1. Salutations,

    You might want to go to, this site is amazing and it will probably tell you how to find what you like. and yes, NOS is wickedly powerful stuff, but just try to find something called spike, it could be a life changing discovery. Cheers

  2. Theres an energy drink called Relentless that's in a can the same size as like a can of strongbow, it's around the same price as red bull and it's got about the same amount of taurine in it. So I guess it's like getting two red bulls for the price of one.

    Either that or invest in an espresso machine!


  3. Expresso has the highest amount of caffine per 100ml, a good 5-8 times the value of red bull. As for taurine, there is no proof that it actually works at all. No conclusive evidence, so i would suggest ignoring that for the moment when determining the best energy drink.

    Red bull is okay, lots of energy. Lucozade/powerade has the most energy.

    However best energy drink is probably either a very sugary expresso, or alternatively, a mixture of lucozade and expresso, not very nice, but...hey! you asked what is the best.  

  4. Try the new Red Bull Cola

  5. red bulllllllll yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  6. Lucazade is a high energy drink which makes you feel more alert but the problem is it contains half your daily sugar level

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