
What english-speaking central american cuntry was formerly know as british honduras?

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What english-speaking central american cuntry was formerly know as british honduras?




  1. Belize gained their independence from Britain as late as 1986 or 1988. I forget which year.  The British did absolutely nothing to help the economy because till this day it remains a poverty stricken country.

  2. Belize

    Isn't this rather elementary?

  3. belize.

    this sounds like a homework question.

  4. That would be Belize. Belize was formerly known as British Honduras, today it is the only official English-speaking country in Central America (even though English and English based Creole dialects are the primary language of the majority of people who live on the Caribbean Coast of Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.

  5. Belize - home of the Amish and the Gurkhas and the Killer Bees.


    Pequen is telling lies, and has some very strange things to say - I wonder is Pequen a Guatamalan fascist of some sort?

    British Honduras/Belize became internally self governing in 1964, around the time we were trying to force self government on all the other chunks of rock and jungle in that part of  the world (whether they wanted it - or, like Anguilla - whether they didn't.)  Unfortunately for our Foreign Office which would have dearly loved to send Belize the way of all other nowheres which cost us money - the Guatamalans caused a problem.  They decided that without anybody else's army to look after it - Belize could be happily shared out as a bonus for their various generalissimos.  So Britain was obliged to keep some paras and gurkhas sitting in the jungle to shoot those who came over the border.

    In 1991 Guatamala recognised the right of the people of Belize to self-determination. Which was generous of them wasn't it?

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