
What environment do you like best to smoke pot?

by  |  earlier

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Tell me your idea of great setting.. people no people outdoors indoors with what are you smoking from etc. etc. etc..

cant wait to hear from you!




  1. There is no environment that is proper.Any thing that impairs your judgment isn't good for you. Could end up hurting others and your self!! God Bless, JG

  2. Why is this in Green Living?


    for me it's anytime I can JUST RELAX. Smoking makes me totally flke out on anything imporant, so I only do it when I have free time and nothing important to do, or it only causes stress.

    Ideally, I like being outdoors in abeutiful place, or in my bed with my lover.

  3. depends on my mood

    like sometimes I'll like to smoke at a party or something in a big circle

    but mostly I like to smoke by myself

    in my room with the lights dim and some music playing

    or in the woods or a lake with some friends

    If I'm by myself then I like to use my pipe

    if in a big group then a joint

  4. for me it's totally a mood thing, sometimes I like to sit with some friends a just talk about bizarre stuff (usually things that would be absurd when sober) but sometimes just a nice walk through a park while thinking about hings can be nice.  I think if I had to pin it to one setting, it would be out in nature, possibly camping, without any looming responsibilities or scheduling, with a few good friends to enjoy the day with . . . but then again, that's nice without the buds too :p

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