
What environmental factors caused people in africa to have flater noses than european people

by Guest63384  |  earlier

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how would it benifit people?

by the way, I saw i similar question, and most answers thought it was a racist question. to call it a racist question... i think is ignorant.

its perfectly valid question.




  1. Heat. A wider and flatter nose can help cool the head/body/blood.

  2. Sunburn?

    Sand storms?

    I doubt if anyone knows for sure.

    It's not racist at all. Statement of fact is never racist.

    For poster 1: As for genetics, if we believe Darwin and many others (and we don't have to), environment causes genetic changes.

  3. not sure but this is interesting, maybe it is in the genes and not an environmentall factor at all.

  4. the flat nose is the original one.  When moving up north, men with "straight" noses survived easier than the flatties, so became our genetic father.  The thin nose eases the warming up of the inhaled air and thus keeps the person (or animal) less vulnerable for lung diseases (lethal in those days).  Large noses are better for cooling down the body (blood).

  5. Im not sure but maybe because it's much more hotter in Africa the sweat can roll off easier on a flatter nose and people would use their hands to wipe off the sweat using the palm down - thus making it flatter b/c their bending it unlike Europeans

  6. Nothing to do with the environment. It's is just down to selection.

    Just like curly/straight hair, or 'almond' shaped eyes.

    By the way this is nothing to do with the hypothesis of evolution.

    Adaption and natural selection is explained by genetics and is observed. Evolution (monkey to man) is not observed and is a hypothesis that is not substantiated by any evidence.

  7. That's a very interesting question, I have never really thought about it before, but it's got me thinking and the best I can come up with is it must have something to do with filtering air as that is nature's reason for having a nose isn't it?

    Why do you think there is also a predisposition for having tight curly hair?  I can only think that maybe it's to better protect the head !!!

  8. People do not have flatter noses because of the environment, they have them because they are genetically born to.

    I would agree though that through evolution people in Africa's noses have stayed flatter as an effort to conform to their environment; for what reason? I am not sure.

  9. Actually, you've got it backwards. We all came from Africa, so the question is why did some peoples in some parts of the world develop longer noses?

    In the far north, it's advantageous to have a longer nose, so air inhales has a bit of chance to warm up on the way in.

    At least, I think I read or heard that idea from a reputable source, long ago.

    It's possible it's just a random mutation, with no particular advantage. Especially when you consider that short, flat noses occur in every group of peoples, including Europeans.

  10. Cultural factors are more important than environmental factors.

    Social selection based in aesthetic  preferences had, I think,  the responsibility.

    Is the same case of  red melanin presence in Ireland. Women with red hair prefer men with red hair.

    After many generations those cultural factors  gives the formal appearance, even when environment causes the evolutionary changes.

    Humans can have influences on an evolutionary plan. Not much, but it is possible.

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